Headhunters Weekend Fishing Report Missouri River Montana

Headhunters Weekend Fishing Report Missouri River Montana

The weekend looks good. While winter is over, spring is still around, and summer has still yet to set in.

Bring your rain jacket, your fleece, and some sort of warm hat if you headed out for the day. Waders still have not worn out their welcome.

As I mentioned yesterday or the day before the PMD’s are coming soon. The BWO’s are still around, remarkably. And they are making a difference in the afternoons. Look for them.

The PMD and Caddis fare are popular subsurface along with T-Beaded Worms and Scuds. The Rainbow Czech is glued to many rigs all 12 months.

Emergers, cripples, and spinners are the all stars when tossing dry flies at rising fish. Blind dry fly anglers are putting up numbers too. Some. The fish are not everywhere, but they are somewheres. Sometimes.

Streamer anglers dong well enough.

BBQ tonight at the fly shop about 5pm. We will see you there. Or here.

Headhunters open at 7am daily for all your trout fishing needs of all things Missouri River, Blackfoot River, and the Dearborn River too. The whole gang is around for guiding, rigging, bullshitting. We got rot gut coffee as well. Free of course.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

FLOW UPDATE! Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 6.2.14

Just in from the USBR Tim Felchle this morning.

It appears the snowmelt runoff into Canyon Ferry Reservoir has peaked and inflows continue to decline. To control the rate of fill and assure the reservoir of refilling, releases out of Canyon Ferry to the Missouri River will be gradually decreased. As a result, the following operation changes are required at Canyon Ferry Dam and Powerplant.

CANYON FERRY RELEASES AND OPERATIONS: Times are Mountain Daylight Savings Time (MDST)

At 0900 hour on Monday, June 02, 2014:

Maintain releases through the river outlet gates at 0 cfs.
Decrease releases through the spillway gates to 3,000 cfs.
Maintain turbine release at ≈ 5,600 cfs (≈ 1,315 MW-Hrs/day using 102.2 cfs/mw).
Maintain release for Helena Valley Project at 810 cfs (380 cfs pumped to Helena Valley and 430 cfs discharged to the Missouri River).
Decrease release to the Missouri River to 9,030 cfs.
Decrease total release from Canyon Ferry to 9,410 cfs.

At 1500 hour on Monday, June 02, 2014:

Increase releases through the river outlet gates to 2,000 cfs.
Decrease releases through the spillway gates to 0 cfs.
Maintain turbine release at ≈ 5,600 cfs (≈ 1,315 MW-Hrs/day using 102.2 cfs/mw).
Maintain release for Helena Valley Project at 810 cfs (380 cfs pumped to Helena Valley and 430 cfs discharged to the Missouri River).
Decrease release to the Missouri River to 8,030 cfs.
Decrease total release from Canyon Ferry to 8,410 cfs.


Welcome to June. We love June. It is one of the two busiest months. June and July.

Why are they the two busiest months? Dry Fly Action is the primary reason. For a good solid two months we got the best in the region. The Tri-State Region. While the rest of the state can be blown out, high and muddy, we are right int he wheel house for great fishing.

All three disciplines are in play and the fish generally cooperate. Mostly.

But the dry fly is the primary reason folks visit the river every summer.

This is in it’s heart a dry fly river.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

If you continually work hard and fish well, you will catch fish. –Headhunters Guide Jared Edens

Guide Peter Skidmore with Bob and this nice brown trout last week. Bob has come twice with Randy who has been visiting Headhunters for 5 years now. They really love the Craig experience. The fishing is OK too they wanted me to say.

So very true. Tough sledding some days and some runs and some periods of the day for all of us, all of you, all of them. Not much for the dry fly bite this last weekend, but that will come soon.

The streamer fishing is tough too. Some fish in shallow water regions like the 18″-36″ in banks. Look for that perfect water and strip on through. White, yellow, and the brighter colors being the most popular. Still rocking T-7, T-10 and intermediate tips daily. The water temps are at the magical 53F+ mark and the fish will follow, chase, attack when prompted correctly, or often.

Flows 11K as I write on Sunday evening. Will it recede this week? Check out the inflows at Toston Sunday afternoon below. Indicative of things to come? Foreshadowing the future? We think so.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report
Toston is the indicator for our Holter Dam future

So what will happen?

Everything that goes up must come down.

Reports from all over the board this weekend. Good, bad, and ugly. We fully understand as we all have shitty days while trying to fool the trouts. Shitty catching that is, fun times must be had or it may not even be worth the trouble.

The weather is June like with daily thunderstorms reminding us that we are so very close to the Rockies. Those who do not bring rain gear are tempting fate. We all know how that story ends.


Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service open everyday from 7am. Open lat til 8pm as well for late afternoon dry fly shuttles, information, line cleaning, bullshitting, porch sitting, info gathering, and anything you may need to make your stay better.


Used the “s” word 3 times wiring this blog. 

Soon the fishing will be hot.

Shit Hot.

4 times…

New Boat Smell "Oar Boy"

New Boat Smell “Oar Boy”

Yet another Adipose on the river. This one from our friend John downriver of Craig.

We love the Seafoam Green color as it reminds us of the salt and sunny Tarpon dreams.

Will you get a new boat this year? How about just fixing up your old dingy and getting it out on the water.

Whatever you decide we can help you here at Headhunters with flies, information, suggestions on floats, shuttles, new ropes for your anchor system, anchors, new oars, or order anything more you may need for your summer adventures

Friday Foto

Friday Foto | Sara Spey Edition

Friday Foto today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

Montana’s best photo blog every Friday.

Sara Roholt, a Headhunters All Star learns from Mike McCune of international Spey Casting Fame.

Last weekend we hosted Mike and Whitney Gould here on the Missouri River and a cool dozen enjoyed learning with the pros. Thanks Mike and Whitney we will see you again in one year. You guys who missed this clinic this year cannot miss it next year!

Sara and Ninch got in on the action too to pass along their 2 Handed expertise this coming winter at Headhunters monthly Free Spey Clinics.

We got Spey Rods at the shop for Demo anytime for a mere $25. Come in and try one out this spring. The water is higher than normal, adnso you may want to try to get out a few more times with your 2 Hander before the real dry fly bite starts.

Friday Foto | Sara Spey Edition

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Rain day on the Missouri River. Raining as I rose this morning and may continue all day long.

The tribes have jumped a bit in the last 24 hours and the Dearborn is tossing some mud our direction. Brown for a spell, maybe a mile, then it is OK. Fish caught below the Dearborn all day long as I polled a couple anglers pulling out at Prewitt Creek last evening.

Dearborn at 875cfs and the Little Prickly Pear is running a cool 433cfs this morning. This rain may add some more water to these tribs.

Other than that, everything is cool here. The fishing is good withe the dry fly being the least of our worries this coming week? Unless the BWO’s decide to put on a show. Which may happen? Maybe.

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend with playoff BB and Hockey.

Thanks for reading this very fishy blog. We appreciate it.

See you in Headhunters on your next trip to Craig.

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

Monday on Montana’s Missouri River and all is well. The flows are hovering around 8000cfs and the water temps are 43.5F.

The bugs are here and more are hatching daily. The dry fly weather is suspect as the air temps are rising and while we did not have an early Spring it seems to have shown up now. 73F for a high today. We like that.

Some water will come from the mid level melting that will surely occur the next few days. We will see some water come through the Dearborn, not much from the LPP. Stickney and Sheep Creek are usually unaffected.

The bugs though. They are excited about the warmer weather. We should see continued improvement in the hatch volume as the next few weeks come to pass.

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

The nymphing the last few days has been difficult. You may see rosy reports elsewhere, but they may be seeing fishing through Easter colored glasses. While it has not been red, or even white hot, the fishing is good enough to keep the net wet. Are we catching them at our normal rate? No. Still pretty good compared to other rivers when they drop off the chart. We are catching some, not a ton.

Many of the Rainbows are on the spawn, some are out of the river, some are just not interested in pink flies. They are busy procreating. More trout is good. Good times man.

The streamer bite continues to be slow. While a few fellers are catching a few not he bigger bugs, it is not super duper streamer fishing. Deep and slow is the ticket if you want to go that route. Tips, sink rates, weighted flies…see your local fly shop for more information.

Dry flies? Yes. Cluster midges, single midge, Buzzballs, RS2’s, BWO Cripples, BWO emerges, CDC Midges, para Adams, Smoke Jumpers, Nymen’s Crips, Harrop patterns. We got them all and the trout are ready for action. More daily. More and more tip we can make an honest afternoon out of dry fly fishing. Soon.

The flows should remain stable for a while. We are still monitoring the inflows, Canyon Ferry is 71% full and holding at that level-ish for the last ten days. We will see how the water managers play their hand. They are looking for normal water levels this summer.


Call the shop for lodging this spring, for $300 Guide Trips through the end of the month, summertime guide trips and lodging, any gear you may need, to chat with a top level fly shop staffer, or just to see if we think the wind will blow. We are here 7 days a week for shuttles, flies, info, coffee, new SIMMS shirts, sunblock, Buff’s, sungloves, or even Smith or Costa sunglasses.

Open daily @ 8am.

How to Fish Rising Waters

How to Fish Rising Waters & Current Water Predictions

Lots of questions, calls, and folks inquiring about how to fish the rising water levels.

Generally this happens in June. It is April. No worries.

Bottom Line? The water will rise. When? Soon, now, today, tomorrow.

The plan is to allow the water to go through the gates to prepare for the 117% of water in the upper hills. The Rockies. The Missouri River drainage area.

Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 10.54.49 PM

So will we have a ton of water in June? Maybe. But the water managers plan on not repeating the debacle of 2011 or 1997. If it starts raining now and does not stop until Noah arrives..then we may have a problem. Until then. We are not concerned.

Missouri River Water Advisory Committee

The Missouri River Water Advisory Committee meeting this previous Friday outlined the probable flows for the upcoming months. They stated a probable flow of 10,000 cfs. A probable low of 8,500 cfs and a probable high of 12,500. The meeting consisted of a bundle of FWP, DNRC, BOR, PPL, and 6 public. While a couple log time local outfitters were in attendance Headhunters Fly Shop was the only fly shop in attendance at this very important Missouri River water and flow indicator meeting held annually.  At no point during the meeting did the panel suggest we would have flows over the 12,500cfs mark.

Unless it starts raining cats and dogs tomorrow and does not stop until the 4th of July. Then, we got issues.

The colder weather in December led the flow to be below average than historically measured while the warmer than normal March led us down the road of low lying snow melt and higher than normal inflows. That brings us to today April 16th.

Historically we have all the precipitation on the ground by April 15th according to Stephanie Micek of the US Bureau of Reclamation. She also stated that inflow in 1997 and 2011 we sat or above 200%. We are on the same path for those inflows to continue April thru July 2014. In an attempt to mitigate the the flows that many consider too high the USBR and PPL are attempting to release some of the water in Canyon Ferry Lake so we do not encounter another 1997 or 2011 level of flows.

She is saying they, we, you do not want flows at or above 15K. We agree Stephanie.

Average peak flow of the previous 64 years? 14,900cfs.

As many of you remember ad already know the plan yearly is to fill Canyon Ferry to full pool, 97%, in the last week of June allowing for summer flows of 4100cfs.

Looking at models from the previous 64 years the water managers devise a plan that resonates with all parties involved to achieve this optimal flow of 4100cfs.

Saturated ground water levels also mean that the need for irrigation is lessened therefor the water amount pulled from reservoirs is diminished. More water through the system. We are currently experiencing more ground saturation than the previous two years.

NOAA predicts that we have an equal chance to have above average precip as we are to have below average precip. The temperatures for the next two months are predicted to be below average.

The Missouri River is a resilient gal. She fishes everyday. We are so fortunate to live an work on this river. Mother Mo allows us to fish non-stop while other freestone rivers experience annual run-off as they become unfishable due to clarity and color. Not so here on the Missouri.

Our local tributaries are clean and falling. Our low level snow is off the hills and we are clean. The river proper is green, greener than normal with visibility in the 3′ range. Not diminished in any manner to slow the bite.

The Dearborn is 297cfs and Little Prickly Pear is 188cfs and falling. Both on the steady downward slope. Little to no coloration change as both of these tribe can carry a bit of color. Sheep Creek is clear. Stickney Creek is running and is gin clear too.

How to Fish Rising Waters

Some days you get ’em, and other you don’t get as many. That is the theme. We are so fortunate that we are able to fish this world class resource all 12 months and while the better than average flows this April can change your style, your approach a bit…we are able to fish through these Mother Nature influenced periods.

We don’t consider this 8K mark high water. Is it higher than our historical average? Yes, but high to us means over 15K. That is considered high water. This is a seasonally adjustment to alleviate the potential of higher than average flows in June.

Fish where you used to fish, when the water was lower. Except rig deeper now. The fish may have moved inside a bit. Nymphing is the game for most. Inside with the boat. The best way to look at the run is to believe you are wade fishing it. Look upstream and cast to the soft inside seam. The soft water. Medium speed along with medium depth. Imagine the sub-surface structure and put the flies on the shelf lines.

Or watch someone catching fish and replicate their actions.

The same old spring flies are on the menu. Pink, FB’s, PT’s, Rubberlegs, Worms, Skwala Nymphs, Midges, and BWO’s. Coming soon more of everything. Honest.

The good news for the bank addicted angler is that you can actually fish towards the bank. Find and fish the right sink tip for streamer success. Many are still fishing the softer insides for bugger brilliance, and most are still staying away from hard banks with too rapid a flow.

Fish the soft inside runs adding weight until you get near the bottom. Bobbers are good, Your choice of indicator. Just make it floaty enough to hold up the anchor attached.

Wade fishers are going to have a tough time. Safety is important and keep that in mind. Those running boats be aware of your safety gear like life jackets etc. Most of the places you step in the water @ 6K cvs the water is near the top of your waders. At 8K+? Yes, it is higher than your nipples. Be very careful as the water rises the pace is faster too.

Being a stupid angler is easy to fix. Being a stupid wader is much more difficult to remedy.

Dry fly fishing this week? Yes. BWO’s are here. In bigger numbers as the week fades towards the weekend. Midges are coming on strong too. Be ready for them to pop in a big way…today?

Call us up on the phone if you need more info or to read our mood, or our minds. It may get you nowhere, but worth the dime for sure.

The shop is open daily with guided trips $300. We have a few openings and we would be glad to help. Lodging is also discounted for the remainder of the month as well.

Check out this video from a couple years ago. This was not shot last week. We have flows of just over 8,000 cfs. A bunch of these techniques are valid for use at current flows.

See more videos from our vast selection of Hedhunters Videos on Headhunters TV.

High Water Nymphing from scumliner media on Vimeo.

Clean fishable and open

Clean, fishable, and open

Yes indeed. We here on the Missouri River have clean water, it is quite fishable, and we are open.

Sounds like the boys from the west side have some color. Too much I am guessing.

The Dearborn is flowing at 366cfs and falling. It peaked yesterday and is not off color. A little bit but not enough for me even to pull over and take a image for you to see. It is coloring the river for about a half mile. Not a concern at all. The Dearborn River temps is 50F and warming the water column albeit for a short stretch. Try worming near it? Just sayin.’

Clean fishable and open
On the fall. Little Prickly Pear graph looks the same.

The same with Prickly Pear. It s off color, not chico milk by any stretch. Coloring the river near Wolf Creek Bridge for a couple hundred yards is all. Not a concern either. It peaked Friday afternoon and is on the fall too. 229cfs as I write Friday evening. Looking good.

Look to the right on the Blackfoot chart. Still on the rise as the Missoula set will confirm.

So we are out of the woods water under the bridge literally, on those two accounts, those two streams.

They will be on the fall for the weekend as the air temps cool and the local runoff is halted. Most of the low level snows came through a couple weeks ago. No fear of blowing out on the Missouri River as we are nearly runoff proof. The 3 dams above us kind of keep us off of that program. We are so fortunate to live and work on this 12 month fishery.

Our primary stream the Missouri River is just fine. It is running higher than our historical average at 7140cfs with a water temp of 41F.

The Missouri River is fishing well with nymphs. The best of the three methods., The streamer guys are scratching and clawing while the dry fly clan is a little mopey.

Clean, fishable, and open: The Missouri River In a Nutshell

Nymph of the Week: Pink Scud looking fly.

Streamer of the Week: Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow

Streamer Fly Line of the Week: RIO WF Full Intermediate.

Streamer Add On of the Month: Versi Leaders. Get some while in Craig.

Dry Fly of the Month: Skwala

Lodging on the Missouri River: Some openings for this e coming over the divide. Call the shop or try www.Craiglodging.com

$300 Headhunters Guide Trips: Through the end of April. Call today for your Spring Special pricing.

Craig Trout Camp: Rainbow & Brown Cabins @ $100. Sutton House @ $200. Craig House @ $150/2 persons & $50/head beyond. Some other discounted housing available as well. Call the store for avail and information.

The Missouri River Mood: Great. Looking forward to another good one. We will have more water this year and we like that. Better for PMD’s, Caddis, and Trico’s. Ww already have plenty of Midge and Crustaceans.

Ninch says: Get on in here and check out our updated fly selection. We added 400 bins so the nymph selection is world class. And our streamers? Wow. Don’t forget that the dry fly is our favorite game and Headhunters will enjoy the wide variety of top water patterns.

Mark says: Good to see all of the guides back to work and also great to see our fishing friends. They are visiting the Missouri and adjusting their smile. Tuning up the happy quotient is important for all of us!

Izaak’s Restaurant in Craig: Open daily 4-10pm. We are so happy to have Chef John Winders opening his doors for another season. The Ribs are succulent, the beer is cold, and the waitstaff is eager to serve you!

Uncle Joe’s Bar: Open daily 8am-2am. Perfect.

Headhunters Fly Shop: Open daily @ 8am for all your fly fishing needs. Shuttles, flies, information, warm hats, logo wear galore, free coffee, Missouri River maps…