March SPEY CASTING Madness

Spots available in March SPEY CASTING Madness Women’s Session

Spots available in March SPEY CASTING Madness Women’s Session Still spots open for the March 24 session. This Introduction to Women’s Spey Casting is presented by Whitney Gould, Sara Roholt, and Beth Langell. An all day affair filled with laughter, knowledge, casting, and fun! Call the shop today for additional information and to get yourself … Read more

Those who Row or Why do some catch more nymphing than others.

A re-post of an article I wrote a couple years ago. I lieu of the high water we are having the drift boat makes a lot more sense than wading.

Wading at 6,000 cfs becomes more difficult. Wade fishing at 10,000 cfs becomes impossible. So get a boat, borrow a boat, steal a boat or hire a guide. Or wait til the water recedes in June, or July.

But if you are stuck in the middle, make it count man. Treat your fishing partners like you would like to be treated.

Braden just wrote an article about rowing. Check it out if you want more info here.

We get a lot of questions regarding how to catch fish from a boat. Lots.

We generally give them a map, talk about where to go, how to rig your rod, the flies to use, the depths that could be employed and things along those lines.

But we rarely talk about really how to catch more fish. And how do you do that?

We do actually talk about that, but rarely does anybody show any interest in the most important aspect, facet, role that the rower, the guy in the middle can and should and has to play.

So how do you catch more fish nymphing? These techniques apply to more than nymphing though. The rower plays the key role in how the boat is doing and the use of the net. You gotta row the same speed as the water or your whole drift is moot.

This is an article I write yearly, or twice, to get the word out to those who are ignorant of the fact that the rower plays the biggest role in nymph fishing.

Those who Row or Why do some catch more nymphing than others.

  • Row the same speed as the water for nymphing success. Fish hate slipping, sliding, and dragging fly patterns subsurface. So if the boat is hauling ass downstream, or god forbid the feller is pushing down stream with the oars, I see it everyday, then the boat might as well be on a booze cruise, cause ain’t nobody catching them in that boat.
  • That means the rower has to engage those overpriced paddles into the water. Dip them into the water, pull back slwign the boat, and repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
  • You gotta watch the flies whether it be the bobber, or a blind dry fly and keep the boat moving at approximately the same seed as the current. You get better at it with practice. You gotta start doing it or the whole deal is moot. It think we covered that but by watching other boats out there including maybe your buddies screwing the dog, not everybody has heard it.
  • DSCF0234 copy 2
    Big Browns are caught in conjunction with good rowing practices.

    You gotta teach your friends this rowing game. It is up to you if you are the reader saying, YES SQUEEKY I KNOW THIS BUT MY BUDDIES ARE NOT TOO SMART! Take the bull by the horns and educate those friends of yours and ours!

  • If you are the reader that is saying to yourself, Rowing is easy Squeeky. “Just pull those overpriced paddles out of the water and let the river help you downstream.” You may also be the reader that does not use the net often.
  • I cannot stress enough here in this article, blog, rant, that the rower plays the most important role in drift fishing. I know the boat drifts downstream, I know that and that the smart rowers use the river to their advantage, the flow and the current. But those oars sticking out from the sides of the boat are there for a reason. To guide, to help, to allow the angler fore and aft to make the proper presentations for fish catching.
  • We at Headhunters give rowing lessons daily. You can even fish too. Hire the guide for a scant $495 and watch him or her dip the oars in the water 10 gazillion times per day. And if you want some real time on the blades, the guide will certainly help and sit in the back and gently school and educate you the new rower.  Education is the proper way to learn. Or if you want to got the cheaper route, watch some boats catching fish and watch how often the oars contact the water. Lots. Lots and lots.
  • Those who use the oars more often catch fish more often.
  • Rowing is not all that easy. It is experiential based. You have to do it to learn. The more you do it the more you learn. Yes, the better rowers have rowed more often. Funny how that works. Is it rocket science? No, not at all. But you gotta do it to learn it. You will not learn by reading this blog. While that hurts me to say I’m sobbing now it is totally true. I’m just trying to light the fire to those who have not yet realized that they are the problem. That their buddy is not all that bad an angler, that his pleading for you the rower to engage in the game is not forgotten or unheard,. I hear you my fishy friends. You the rower may be the problem. You have to participate in the sport too.
  • Drag Free Drifts Catch Fish. Honest. Trust me, I’m a fishing guide.
  • Another great way to catch more fish, to use the net more often is having and using the ability to change. Another rule that I preach often here on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog is the Change Clause. Change things up when your program is not working.
  • Change is the key to breaking the bad, and hopefully getting into the good. We can only control a few aspects of fly fishing. The drift is the 1st. The depth is the 2nd. The fly is the 3rd. The presentation is the 4th. Oh, that is the same as the 1st. The drift/presentaion is key to even getting the fish to approach the fly. That is about it. And, and if row boy is not doing his part…all of it goes in the shitter.
  • The bottom line is this, according to me the writer today…It really does not matter what the fly is if it is not presented properly. And presentation includes the right speed of the craft, if indeed you are boat fishing. Any fly can suck if it is not presented properly. The wrong depth for the fly. Bad. Bad presentation? Bad.
  • Change is good as I stated above and previously many times. Those who practice static fishing behaviors do not catch as many fish.
  • I know that the entire day is important and that fishing is not everything. That the day and the fellowship is important and I put all of the eggs in that basket myself, but, but, but…not everybody feels that way. Lots of fellers like to rope the trout and put up some numbers. Or at least 1 number. So to those haters that cannot use information for what it is worth. Sit on it. This is your disclaimer. It is not all about the number. I agree. But why not practice positive fishing/drifting/rowing behaviors. Execute and you shall be rewarded.

That is my Thursday morning rant. Take it or leave it. To those who have fishing pals that cannot row, forward this blog to them. For those of you who cannot row and do not understand the whole game, watch others out there on the water and learn. To those who already believe that they are good rowers and this cannot possibly be about them, that they do not fall into this category…look hard at yourself and question yourself.

You will ultimately know what party you are in if you get an email with this article forwarded to you…then you will know.


Happy Thursday to you friendly fishing folks. We are having a ball and enjoying the green hillsides and snow in the upper hills. It is the prettiest time of year and we love May! See you soon on the oars.



Headhunters Fly Fishing Schools

Headhunters Fly Fishing Schools Lots of education offered by Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig Montana. The leader in information, education, entertainment, and customer service on the famed banks of the Missouri River. Coming up this weekend we have our second installment of the Headhunters Fly Shop Advanced Fly Fishing School. The first week was a … Read more

MRDF 455 Lab Summer Quarter 2016


MRDF 455. Lab only. 3-5cr.(days) Summer Quarter. Class location Missouri River Craig MT.

Missouri River Dry Fly 455. PREREQUISITE: An intense desire to learn. Examines and explores Missouri River dry fly technique primarily with mayflies. Dry fly casting techniques will include reach cast, slack line presentations, wind casting, double haul, down and across presentations, tiny fly pattern ID, low profile casting situations, stalking movement procedures. You will learn that failure is a big part of the learning curve. Requires early mornings, patience, GINK, Frog’s Fanny, line cleaner, and a couple beers in the cooler. Class size limited.

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Headhunters University

Education comes first

Our business is built on education. It is even in our mission statement. Entertainment, information, education, and customer service for the Missouri River trout angler. And we practice those values daily. Whether it be your 1st day to the MO or your 1000th we know that you are interested in bettering your game. Stepping it up. That is why we believe so strongly in angler education.

From our free Trout Spey Clinics in the winter months to our always free casting lessons on our casting lane here in Craig to fishing with our experienced tenured guide staff and into the fly shop where our fish driven staff will help you with all things trout. Headhunters Fly Shop is centered around education.[/vc_column_text][us_grid columns=”2″ post_type=”attachment” items_quantity=”” images=”16267,16270″ orderby=”post__in” items_gap=”4px” items_layout=”gallery_default” img_size=”us_600_600_crop” overriding_link=”popup_post_image” breakpoint_1_cols=”2″ breakpoint_2_width=”768px” breakpoint_3_width=”480px” breakpoint_2_cols=”4″ breakpoint_3_cols=”2″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sound like something you might be interested in? Summer technical dry fly fishing. Mayflies are the primary vehicle to success with caddis, terrestrials, and other attractors too. But the focus is centered on figuring out the often frustrating mayfly stage and emulating it perfectly. Behaviors of the summer feeding trout will frankly dry you mad. If you enjoy any of the concepts above you might be ready.

Pale Morning Duns, Trico’s, March Browns, Blue Winged Olives, Callibaetis will keep you busy whenever your calendar allows you to visit our 35 mile long campus. Even if you didn’t have good grades in school this venue is very accepting. Although the trout do make the final evaluation!

Have you ever wanted to go back to college? Yeah, me neither. But, but you have never wanted to stop learning. Why not enroll at Trout U here in Craig Montana.

A ton of the annual returning Missouri River anglers book these time periods a year in advance. In fact, most who know of this affliction, who are admittedly infected, have been a fixture for years, a decade, or even a quarter century. Most of their adult lives in the same place, at the same time…yearly.

Winter fishing on the Mo is a bitch. Summer is not.

The dream time periods for the class above include June and July. Another good window of dry fly action in the middle two weeks of May which falls around the Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-off Saturday May 21st. Another great session in the latter part of October. August is good too, but you might call the class

MRAF 305. Lab Only. Summer Quarter. Missouri River MT.

Missouri River Attractor Fly 305. Hoppers, ants, and your favorite generic attractor patterns are in vogue in August. Long cast, high floating flies, and spectacular brown trout eats will keep you busy for the month of August. Tricky, difficult techy small dry fly fishing available in the mornings with your afternoons filled with the big fly. For big trout.

Headhunters encourages daily learning

Headhunters is the education location while in Craig Montana. The education leader on Montana’s Missouri River. Whether you’ll be joining us reading this daily blog, enjoying the videos on Headhunters TV, or enrolling in Headhunters Trout University for the 2016 school year. We are all about education.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”2″ post_type=”attachment” items_quantity=”” images=”16271,16269″ orderby=”post__in” items_gap=”4px” items_layout=”gallery_default” img_size=”us_600_600_crop” overriding_link=”popup_post_image” breakpoint_1_cols=”2″ breakpoint_2_width=”768px” breakpoint_3_width=”480px” breakpoint_2_cols=”4″ breakpoint_3_cols=”2″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Missouri River Swing Season

We are so damn close.

After the dust settles on the BWO parade we dive right into Swing Season on the MO.

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 9.47.13 PMDaily conversations about fly lines and the latest in 2 handed Trout Spey Rods here at Headhunters.

While many trout shops close for the season Headhunters switch into Swing Season.

We’ve got all the latest swing gear for you to try. Trout Spey Rods from around the world along with the lines, tips,, leaders, and flies for fall and winter fishing fun.

Got questions? Just ask us. We got answers.

Many have been swinging for a couple weeks. I have witnessed a swinger on the river daily the last couple weeks.

Craig Trout Camp, our on-site lodging, is open all year long. Joe’s Bar open daily as well as Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service. $400 Guide trips for both Swing Education and single handed trips begin November 15th.

Many come down from Calgary to see the sun while participating in a spot of fly fishing. Bozeman-ites, our friends from Whitefish and Kalispell, those to the west in Spokane and even to the coast in Seattle. Craig is a quiet, quick get-away any month of the year.

This could be the year you become better with the two-handed rod.

Are you in?