The Dry fly report is as follows for the beginning of the dry fly season and the beginning of the second week of the Dry Fly Month of June! We are off to a good start as the water has fallen to a perfect dry fly level.
Can I say dry fly one more time in this short fishing report? You bet.
Missouri River Dry Fly Fishing Report
You can find fish rising on all reaches of the river. Some days tons, other not so much. Tons may be stretch at this point. But, that number is coming. We are still waiting for the big pop, any pop really of our summer bugs. Some caddis downriver not he lower reaches and in the lower canyon. Not an explosion as of yet. We will let you know when that happens here on this very fly fishing blog.
Flies that are working include poly winged cripples. Hairwinged cripples. in many various sizes and colors. CDC cripples too. Poly winged spinner of the baetis variety. Hi-Viz as well. Sunken ones work. Floaty ones too. Spinners and cripples.
Other reports include poly winged ants in the larger sizes. Bigger fluffy type attractor fires are in vogue too. X Caddis and CDC Caddis have been leaving the shop in secretive umbers.
Also lots of fellows stocking up on specific tailwater type flies that are very popular on this very popular tailwater like Missouri River. You got your boxes full?
So you can go out and get some fish on the dry. Is it riverside? No, certainly not. But look, seek, and discover the sipping trout. Need help? Come by and we can pint you in a direction. What direction? Towards the river for sure. We can make a few suggestions to help you along the way. Headhunters is good that way.
PMD’s and caddis are both on the cusp and we cannot wait. Sally’s? Soon. Trico’s? Next month. We got a lot of river to fish before we get to the white winged blacks.
The water level is low and fishing well. We will see you soon here on Montana’s Missouri River. Headhunters open daily @ 7am and open later that the rest here at your Dry Fly HQ in Craig MT.