Monday Morning Missouri River Fishing Report 9.14.20

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Monday Morning Missouri River Fishing Report 9.14.20 Not too bad out there. On a scale of 1-10, it is a 6.5? Or a 7? Yes room for improvement as we move through the month. And improving daily is our theme here in downtown Craig Montana fishing the Missouri River. The rest of the month … Read more

Missouri River Summer Solstice Report June 21st 2018

Missouri River Summer Solstice Report June 21st 2018

Missouri River Summer Solstice Report June 21st 2018 River flows came back above 15K this morning. The flows on the Dearborn are falling rapidly currently at the 3500 cfs mark. We expect to see the Dearborn flows continue to fall therefore the Missouri River below the confluence will be fishable again. Since the rain event … Read more

Headhunters Fly Shop Missouri River Fishing Report June 16th 2018

Headhunters Fly Shop Missouri River Fishing Report June 16th 2018 The latest on Missouri River Flows Headed higher due to heavy precipitation basin wide today. Headed back above 12,000 cfs today. Rising above 13,000 cfs Monday. More precipitation Monday and Tuesday. An inch in this storm. Another inch combined Monday and Tuesday. June rainfall amounts … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report 5.21.18

Missouri River Fishing Report 5.21.18

Missouri River Fishing Report 5.21.18 Missouri River Flows 15K-ish and holding I will call Stephanie Micek again this morning and find out what the latest scoop on the water situation is. But I suspect it will be the same as last time we got the inside line. 15K and holding. As we have mentioned before … Read more

Stalcup’s Cluster Midge

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Stalcup’s Cluster Midge Needs To Be In Your Box Stalcup’s Cluster Midge is one of my favorite midge patterns. I always have some in my box during the spring and then again in July when the tricos start to hatch. This fly evolved from the Griffith’s Gnat and shares several features with this classic pattern. … Read more

What I did for Spring Break: Watch my wife and daughter catch fish on Dry Flies

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Everyone at Headhunters fishes. Some more than others, and some not as often as they once did. Our GM Julie falls into the latter category, but still loves the sport. She and I always try to catch one of the first BWO days each spring. The other day we hit the river along with our daughter Adair, who is now a capable enough angler to throw dries, streamers and whatever. She can also row and net fish. Two attributes that her father admires.

So Julie – who spends most of her time making sure the shop is running smoothly, the bills are paid, and your lodging and/or guide trips are all set – finally gets out for some dry fly fishing and hits it. At least a little. And she deserves it.[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”26805″ align=”center” onclick=”lightbox”][vc_column_text]Nothing better than the above scene. My wife battling a nice Brown she caught on a single dry, and my daughter ready with the net. And because the upper stretches have been fishing a little on the slow and inconsistent side, no people around us at all. Those BWO’s the Missouri is famous for in April and May are just starting to show in good numbers, and we managed to put a couple of nice fish in the boat.[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”26804″ align=”center” onclick=”lightbox”][vc_column_text]Not only did Julie experience some great fishing, but so did Adair who caught her first Mo’ fish of the year on a dry. Nice accomplishment for a 12 year old. She also nabbed a few BWO’s for the camera crew.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 10.10.16

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 10.10.16 Currently snowing on this Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 10.10.16 morning. About an inch on the ground and the weather forecasters predict even more on the way for the next 36 hrs. Then Wednesday? Sun. Until then true fall like conditions persist. What does that mean? It means … Read more

Snowshoe Midge

Top 10 Tailwater Midge Flies

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Top 10 Tailwater Midge Flies These Top 10 February Top 10 Tailwater Midge Flies are sure to please your Missouri River fancy. The midge hatch has begun in ernest and manny anglers are asking about the correct midge patterns to toss at our February rising trout. The hot times to fish for midge feeding … Read more

Headhunters Baetis Week. Dry Fly Love.

Headhunters Baetis Week. Dry Fly Love.

Boy do we love Baetis here in central Montana fishing the Missouri River. It is the real beginning of the spring dry fly game.

While the Midge kick it off, the Baetis bring in the dry fly year adding validity to the daily dry fly game. Do they come every day? Mostly. So do the Midge. So we begin to expect dry fly opportunities excellence on a daily basis.

In the shop there are daily questions about the flies we like to fool those sometimes finicky feeding trout.

We like the emergers and flies that sit in the film. Film flies rule. Baetis are all about hanging in the meniscus. So therefor those are the type of flies that our fly guru Ninch fills our overstuffed always stocked fly bins.

Ken outta Seattle WA fishing the Baetis Dry this last weekend w/ HH Guide Mark Raisler

Duns are cool too. Who doesn’t like the adult. Cripples are what John, Jared, and Ben Hardy like. Spinners can come in handy too. John is also a fan of the BWO Spinner. Mark likes the Buzzball on everything else. But for BWO’s he fishes the CDC emerges most. Sara digs the small attractor type Baetis like the Purple Haze, Craze families which we do not even have listed. Those are a different category for us, but many like to throw the generics out there and our fish do seem to agree on one thing. Braden likes the bright dun stuff. Max is into the Spinner too.

It’s all about the presentation. And the right fly helps.

So what do we suggest? Any fly you dig. We all have our favorites and go-to patterns. What are yours? If you need a hint do not be afraid to swing by the fly shop. If you want to buy one of everything…two of everything…an even dozen? Why not. Be prepared. Fish well stocked.

Headhunters Baetis Week. Dry Fly Love.
Nearly 40 dry fly BWO patterns at Headhunters Fly Shop

We have not included the Para Adams in several post colors we carry, the Craze patterns, the emergent purple flavored filmy’s. That has to bring up the total closer to 60 patterns. Tired of fishing the same old patterns. Try something new this year, this week, on your favorite BWO reach.

Here are the flies as pictured above in some sort of order. Mostly in order as follows…

  • Top Row 1: Low Water Baetis, Hogan’s Sipper BWO, Harrop’s Short Wing BWO, RS2 BWO, Harrop’s Captive Dun, Harrop’s Captive Dun BWO, Brook’s Sprout BWO, RS2 Grey
  • Row 2: Harrop’s CDC Biot Emerger, Loop Wing Emerger Grey BWO, Indicator Parachute BWO, Para Cripple BWO, Swisha’s Clumpa, Quigley’s Half Dun Hatching BWO, Thor Cripple, Snowshoe Dun BWO
  • Row 3: Cripple Parachute BWO, Baetis Cripple, Harrop’s D & D Cripple Baetis, Harrop’s Last Chance Cripple, Sparkle Dun, Sparkle Dun Olive, Quigley’s Sparkle Flag BWO, Silverman’s Stacker Cripple, Nyman’s DOA Cripple
  • Row 4: Hi-Viz Para BWO, CDC Wing Para Spinner BWO, Harrop’s Hi-Vis CDC Spinner BWO, Harrop’s CDC Paraspinner Baetis, Silverman’s Stacker Spinner Olive, Passage’s Magic Fly BWO, Nyman’s Black Posted DOA Cripple, CDC Winged BOW Emerger, CDC Winged Emerger Grey
November is the New October

November is the New October | Missouri River Chronicles

John wrote an article about the too nice, the way too nice late October weather we have been experiencing and I concur. Let’s move on into the fall, the true fall conditions we have so come to love. Not expect, but certainly love!

So I put together this piece about the future. The future that we can expect, or hope to expect this coming month. The cloud cover is supposed to be more. The temperatures are supposed to be cooler. And the bugs are supposed to be bigger and come more often.

Missouri River October and November Forecast

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac…

OCTOBER 2014: temperature 46° (3° below avg.); precipitation 1.5″ (avg. north, 1″ above south); Oct 1-10: Rain to snow, then sunny, cold; Oct 11-16: Showers, mild; Oct 17-22: Snow showers north, rainy periods south; chilly; Oct 23-31: Rain and snow, then sunny, mild.

NOVEMBER 2014: temperature 41° (4° above avg.); precipitation 0.5″ (0.5″ below avg.); Nov 1-4: Sunny, mild; Nov 5-8: Rain to snow, then sunny; Nov 9-11: Rain and snow, then sunny, cold; Nov 12-18: Sunny, mild; Nov 19-20: Rain and snow showers; Nov 21-26: Sunny, mild; Nov 27-30: Snow showers, cold.

Annual Weather Summary: November 2014 to October 2015

Winter will be colder and slightly drier than normal in the north and milder than normal with near-normal precipitation in the south. The coldest periods will be in late December, early to mid-January, mid- to late February, and early March. Snowfall will be below normal in the east and near normal in the west, with the snowiest periods in early to mid-November, mid- to late December, mid-January, and early and mid- to late March.

November is the New October

Has it been colder and more normal like in years past than it has been this year? Yes, in years past. Has it also been normal with overcast and cooler temps creating more opportunities for fish to look toward the surface? Yep.

The reality is that it has been both and will continue to be. The snow and inclement weather will arrive. In November? Maybe. Reading the info above from the Old Farmer’s Almanac I don’t know what to believe. I do believe winter will visit at some point.

The big bugs have not shown yet. Will they come? I don’t know. I suspect they will. The water temps will continue to plunge as fall, or winter, may actually come. The streamer bite is becoming better everyday. Honest. Nymphing is just fine, per usual.

November is the New October

Guide trips available all month long. The November month. We get into that 2 Handed game as well. $300 Spey Trips until the end of December. Craig Trout Camp is open all winter long with lodging here in Craig. Call us for anything you may need from 2 Handed Rods, to lodging, to guides, to shuttles, to our always free coffee.

The average snowfall in November is 8 inches. The average precip total is 0.59 inches. The average high air temp is 43F with the low coming in at 23F. Much cooler than November. Although October is historically cooler than it has been.

Swinging is good in November. Real good.

Tough to choose for most between the rhythm of the swing or the beat of the dry fly bite.

What do you want to do?

I just want to be ready with dry fly rod in hand wading out to my favorite BWO slick.


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 10.23.14

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 10.23.14

The success rate goes like this…

  1. Nymphing
  2. Streamer Chucking
  3. Dry Fly Angling

That is how the numbers stack up. We all fish for different reasons. Sometimes just one fish is enough. While we do occasionally go blank one fish seems good enough.

Is it still good when we go blank? You bet.

I for one just enjoy getting out and enjoying the day. Watching the day go by is my favorite fishing plan. You can hook a few with this plan too. A little too loose for many though. Those serious anglers need more planning than that…

We get and enjoy both pursuits.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 10.23.14

How about a couple hints for nymphing success.

  1. Find the bugs and put your flies, your imitations, right in the mix. Understand where the fish, the bugs are, at the time of angling and sink them accordingly.
  2. Trust yourself.
  3. If your shit ain’t working, change it immediately.
  4. Sows, scuds, midges, and mayflies will get you through the day.
Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 10.23.14
Get on board this winter with a Spey Day on the Missouri River

Some Streamer Fishing Secrets

  1. They, the trouts, can eat it dead drifted or on the drop. Be aware of that.
  2. When the sun comes off the water the fish go nuts for streamers. Or cloudy days.
  3. Change if you are not getting the bite.
  4. Slow strips, fast strips? Change if they are not responding to your magic.

Dry Fly Antics

  1. First cast is the best cast.
  2. Slack line presentations catch way, way, way more fish.
  3. Leave the fish if you do not get them in an hour. Give ups dn move on.
  4. Or stay til you are blue in the face. Or your fishing partner is a snoring.
  5. Cripples catch tons of trout on the Missouri River

Missouri River Weather, Flows, and Temps

4200cfs and 55F for the water temps. The weather ahead of us is not dis-similar to the weeks behind us this Ocotber. Will it change? Yes, in th endear future towards the back end of the weekend we should see more seasonal types of temperatures, clue covers, snow, sleet, baetis…you know all the stuff we pray for in this historically buggy month.


Click on that ICON on your right there friend. Check out the videos by Headhunters and Scumliner Media on Headhunters TV. Do it now and enjoy some Missouri River love!

The shop is open daily from 730am til 7pm. Lots of sale stuff including fly lines, jackets, gloves, hats, logo wear, Howler Bros, SIMMS, a couple demo rods from this year from SAGE and Echo and Orvis.

Check out the Spey Special that starts November 1st. $300 Spey Guide Trips. Love it. Come on out an enjoy the day swinging streamers with your 2 handed rod. If you do not have one, we can supply one. Never spey cast in your life? No worries there either. Book your $300 Spey Special and you will be catching fish on that goofy long 2 hander by days end! No Problem. Call the shop for mor info if you like.

Come by for shuttles, info, demo rods, a new RIO In Touch Connect Core fly line for your streamer or dry fly rod, or anything else that may get your through the day like killer Missouri River flies.

Izaaks’ closes for the season on the 26th. This coming Sunday. So come on out one more time for a good rack of Ribs and a cocktail.

No worries. Joe’s Bar is open 365 days a year.

See you soon in Craig!


Missouri River October Flies

Missouri River October Flies

Dries that have kept our interest this last week include some of the following. The weather has not been cooperating with clouds and moisture. But it should, would, will come? We are doing the snow and rain dance daily.

Row 1: Lewis CDC & Foam October Caddis, Orange Stimulator, Swisher Dancing caddis, Tan Para Caddis, Translucent Pupa.

Row 2: Nymens DOA Cripple, Harrops Last Chance Cripple, Baetis Cripple, Sparkle Dunn Baetis olive, Harrops Biot Emerger, CDC Indicator Comparadun.

Row 3: RS-2, Hi-Vis BWO Spinner, Snow-Shoe Midge, Q’s Cluster Peacock , Juan’s Midge Ice Emerger Black.

Nymphs that have been getting us through the week are per below. Get out there and get some. The morning show has improved and you can expect a pretty strong bite most times of the day. Although, it is better when there are a billion bugs not he surface.

When there is not a great hatch, the fishing can be slower. Then toss streamers?

Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 9.02.04 PM

Row 1: ClawR Crayfish, Pat’s Rubber Legs

Row 2: Pearl Lightening Bug, Mason’s Peep Show, Micro Mayfly, Matt’s Autocad, Rainbow Warrior, Purple Weight Fly, Purple Lightening Bug, Zebra Midge, Tailwater Sowbug, Rainbow Czech

Row 3: Magic fly BWO, Newman’s Own Midge, Stout’s WD-50, BH Midge Pupa, Arnold’s Palomino Midge, Juju Baetis, Skip’s Anatomay, Mercury Flashback PT, Mercury RS-2, S&M Nymph

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 8.18.14

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 8.18.14

August is here. We are here. The trout are here.


The upshot of the week is this. It is short and bittersweet.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 8.18.14


Mornings can be really great. Strong hatches riverside. The most pressure is on the upper. If you want some solace from the rest fish below Craig somewhere. If you want even more? Fish below Mid Canon. If you like the lower reach, fish there. You will have good to great Trico fishing if the wind does not blow too hard and send the spinner fall to north to Great Falls.

The thought is that Trico’s may hatch throughout the rest of August. Maybe into Septemebr. That is the historical pattern. Whether Mother Nature follows that path, we just do not know. But we think it should be strong for another 2-3 weeks.

Spinners are the key to your success. Try another non Trico pattern if you wish. It can be the key to Trico success. Or just keep tossing different and odd Trico flies until the fish cooperate. A sunken Trico can do wonders as well. Zebra?


No, not really. Actually not at all. Fish caddis patterns with success here on the Missouri but not for the Caddis Hatch man. Maybe next year. P.S. You want a boat load of caddis flies for cheap?


No, not really. Well sort of. The nymphing for most has been pretty piss poor. I’m not saying that if you drown a worm, or a Zebra, or a Little Green Machine, or  Juju Baetis, or some sort of Caddis Pupa you will not find success. Because you will find a few. But we are familiar with net use when nymphing and that is certainly not the case this last couple weeks.

Moments of brilliance yes. A total annihilation? No, not really.

Come in and wee the latest news here int eh shop and we can put you on the right track. The latest info is found here locally from those who have there finger on the pulse of the Missouri.

It will turn around soon? We think? Every day is truly different. Not much consistency. The month of September is one of our finest nymphing months and it bleeds into October and November. So hang on to your hats, your bobbers, your net. It will bounce back.

Hopper Fishing

Good to great to not so good to terrible. All things heard in the bar ad in the shop. We love to fish the big fly here as so often we are squinting to see the tiny dry fly. So fishing a size 10 or better is a pretty good day/deal. Pink and purple continue to rule with red, gold, and green creeping up the scale.

Ants and beetles are making some waves as well. Blooms, Arrick’s Blooms Hopper and Cricket seem to be coaxing some trout into making bad decisions. Small and large flies are what you should be tossing. Ambiguous? Yep. You catch ’em on what you are tossing. Fishing the middle river is the key. Not all fish lay on the bank. Some do. We like to look for 18″-36″ of moving water and present the bug. Wait, twitch, wait, wait some more and watch it get sucked.

Kiss it. Lick it. Swallow it. Hammer it. Suck it. Eat it.

We have a fantastic Hopper selection at the shop. Well over 120 bins stuffed full of foamies, hair wings, and the like. The ants box has some jewels in it too.

Weather and Flows

Flows are holding at a respectable 4500cfs and the water temps are fluctuation between 64F and 68F daily. Not much movement above the 68F mark this year. July is our hottest month here in central Montana so we do not expect there to be any further upwards movement in regards to Missouri River water temps.


We are approaching the end of summer as we move into Autumn. The colors will change and the Baetis will come. Hopefully we get a big October Caddis showing too. Cross your fly fishing fingers and we will see you in the fall. It really is nice as the days become shorter and the fish friskier!

Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service

Now is the time to book your late summer and fall fly fishing trip to the Missouri River in Craig Montana. Check out for housing and Headhunters for all your guiding and rental boat and rod, reel, and wader needs. Don’t let the fall fly fishing season slip by you. Book today.

Headhunters Fly Shop open daily @ 7am and well into the evening hours closing @ 9pm. Stop in for your Sun Bum sunscreen, new RIO In Touch Fly Lines, hoppers galore, GINK, SAGE Method fly rods, Dr. Slick, Howler Bros, SIMMS fall wear, toques, and sungear too.

Missouri River Summer Fishing Report

Missouri River Summer Fishing Report 6.23.14

Good fishing to be had in the month of June. Great? Some days yes indeed. Others, just good.

Lots and lots of folks around this weekend as the Montana contingent was out in force. The Dearborn River received a ton of pressure as it is flat able late into the month. Get on it if you want to enjoy our smaller creeks this summer. A mini Smith River is what many call it. The flows on the Dearborn are falling at 315 cfs and should be fishable/floatable for another week? Maybe?

The Missouri River is holding at 4070cfs and a water temp of 57F. Downwards go there flows and the temps.

Missouri River Summer Fishing Report

The nymph anglers are getting it down too with both shorter and longer nymph rigs. The Worm is still in play but is becoming second fiddle to top flies like the Frenchie, the Peep Show, Blooms Weight Fly in both purple and gold, Tungsten Death Metal and a Tunghead PT. Look for something hanging below that like a PMD nymph or a caddis or a Sally depending on your reach you choose to fish. Stop in the shop at any time for a up to the minute nymph report. We can help in many ways…

The fishing is really great for those wishing to dry fly fish all day long. Yes, you too can do it. Look for the right water and post up. If you like to fish a blind dry, you can do that too.

Headhunters Unite!

  • Make the first drift count. The #1 Rule in dry fly fishing.
  • Dead flies, i.e. spinners, do not drag, or swim. “I’m giving it action” is not a comment we, or the trout accept. The trout make the final decision.
  • Set your anchor outside, or in the water, before you approach the trout and then let it down quietly by hand. You will catch more if you sneak in to place. Sneak attacks do not utilize loud dropping sounds of the anchor. Sounds like a Amana Refrigerator dropped from the sky? Not too good man.
  • Sit while fishing if you are close. Even if you are not close, get low and stay low. Fish have conical vision. IF you are standing like a beanstalk waving your arm wildly around, they may sense that a predator is near. BE a predator, not some crazy person swinging the line in haphazard paths…
  • If you must stand, stay a lone distance off of the fish. You will hook more!
  • Use cripples, spents, and emergers. They work well here not he Mo. HH has the most river specific and greatest selection in the tri county area. No bullshit.
  • Have fun. Be serious about catching trout. But with a smile. Be friendly to other anglers. Wave. And, be polite. And, treat other anglers like you would like to be treated. Don’t low hole. Be courteous. Have fun!

Headhunters open daily early and open really late too. Free coffee, information, shuttles, flies galore, demo rods, the best knowledgable staff in regards to fly lines, fly line cleaners, HH sungear, sunscreen, ice…we got all you need for your Missouri River adventure!