Don't Let Me Down

Don’t Let Me Down


Don’t Let Me Down

13K today.

Will we see dry fly flows this coming week?

Oh, don’t hold your breath. And, Don’t Let Me Down.

While we like the wonderful flows in the 5-6K range for the ultimate in dry fly angling, it is strange to see the water drop. The green hillsides, the mosquito’s, the creative fishing techniques, and the daily loss of flies. We will be sorry to see that go.

The high water brings life. It brings fat trout. It brings the lifejackets out. It creates conversation. It cleanses the river. It brings spring entertainment after a long and cold winter.

I’ve posted this vid before, I think. And if I have, so very sorry. Watch it again. The Beatles were certainly cool. Don’t Bring Me Down is a great tune.

Enjoy your Saturday. Look for the June Fly Fishing Forecast on Monday.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Low Flows

Low Flows | Don’t Let Me Down

Will we have low water this year? Maybe.

Really looking like we will, according to me. That is my feeling. Mother Nature has her hand in the outcome though.

Generally the snow on the ground this time of year dictates the remainder of our water year. And this year is no different. Our drainage is registering

Will we be OK? Oh yeah. But it will not be the trout recruitment year that we experienced in the middle 90’s or in the ’08-’11 high water years.

No. Closer to normal snow falls and precip this last winter lead us down the roadĀ of lower than historically normal flows.

The river will feel like it is smaller. It feels like it already. Good etiquette is something we should strive for as we think about the summer ahead. Nothing wrong with being polite.

We will jump around and shake our asses during the weekly rain dance on our porch. Dance your own version in your living room. It’s cool.

Lake level is at 81.7%. We have a couple more months to fill it up. Will we make it to the 97th percentile effectively filling Canyon Ferry to the rim? Maybe. If it fills I think we can expect flows closer to 4K for the summer.

The latest from the folks who turn the knobs his below. Looks like a summer of flows in the mid 3’s. I’d prefer that over the low 3’s for sure. We all would.

Low Flows

Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 9.29.30 PM

Nad then, this from the Beatles. Don’t Let Me Down Rooftop. Classic.

Every time I think of the lower flows this summer, I think of this tune.