Weekend Update: Rain Coming, Maybe more Dearborn Floating, and Mask up Please!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A Saturday Afternoon update for those on the Missouri River, or planning to be here in the next couple of days. Many people on the water this Saturday afternoon. Most angling pressure the last 2 days has been concentrated from Holter Dam to Spite Hill. In other words, everyone is putting in at the Dam … Read more

Tuesday Missouri River Water Update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Tuesday Missouri River Water Update She’s coming out of the Dearborn River and Little Prickly Pear pretty quickly! The Dearborn peaked yesterday at 5000+ cfs. It is falling rapidly, and may shake out this week. Although we are gonna have a bit of warm weather starting today. Currently 4460 cfs. Mud? Yep. It will … Read more

Dearborn Boat Ramp Work

Dearborn Boat Ramp Work

Dearborn Boat Ramp Work Some work going on at the only county owned boat ramp on our river. This Wednesday at noon-ish. Will update tomorrow or tonight when we see what has happened. We believe that it is already finished and we will return to business as usual. Don’t know where they put those big … Read more