Chasing the Taper Trailer

Chasing the Taper Trailer


Chasing the Taper Trailer

I do own a couple bamboo rods made by the boys at Sweetgrass Bamboo Rods. They are both great. Love to fish them.


I do like the action, the history, and the look of that sweet bamboo!

Most of the time I do throw a hyper fast dry fly stick. Most do on the Mo. The right tool for the job.

You cannot replace the fantastic feel of casting, hooking, and fighting a dry fly fed brown trout with that classic piece of history.

Enjoy the trailer today on the HH blog.

Damn cold this morning at -9F with a 6″+ compliment of snow fro this last dump. We have to all the way til tomorrow to receive our next dose of the white stuff. Our winter is strong and it looks like we will have a favorable water season ahead.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]