Time to Comment on Proposed Fishing Regulations

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Montana FWP has proposed several changes to fishing regulations that fly anglers should be aware of. A couple are controversial, including changes to the Upper Madison, and the proposal to allow keeping 1 native Cutthroat per day. Weren’t we told they were endangered only a few years ago?

Read this article by Ben Pierce at the Bozeman Daily Chronicle with comments by Craig Matthews (Blue Ribbon Flies), Bruce Farling (Montana TU) and Travis Horton (FWP Biologist).

The comment period has been extended until Oct. 3rd, so now is the time to voice your opinion. Let ’em have it…

To comment on the proposed changes visit FWP’s website at fwp.mt.gov, then click “2016 Proposed Fishing Regulations;” or email to fwpfsh@mt.gov; or mail to Joel Tohtz, Fisheries Management Bureau Chief, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, P.O. Box 200701; Helena, MT 59601.
