Casting Lessons

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Over the years, we have provided casting lessons to all kinds of people in all kinds of scenarios. But they have always been by request, including our popular spey casting clinics over the winter months. Recently we have seen an increase in requests for both single and two-handed casting lessons and trouble-shooting sessions (you could argue that most casting ‘lessons’ are really trouble-shooting sessions).

So, we are formally formalizing our in-house casting lessons. I will be heading up all two-handed casting lessons, and Mark will be heading up all single handed casting lessons, although some of our guides and staff may be involved as well depending on the situation. Here’s the details.


  • Availability: Must be scheduled in advance
  • Cost: $100 for up to 2 anglers
  • Length: 2-3 Hours
  • Additional anglers or hours: $100 (ex. 3-4 anglers add $100 or 5-6 hours add $100)

Licensed required: We are requiring a valid Montana fishing license as some of all of these lessons will be conducted “on-water”.

Right now is a great time for a lesson, and we’ve had a few folks in for some instruction already. It’s warm enough to be comfortable, and you shouldn’t be doing this two months form now. You should be catching, not casting then. So, give the shop a call if you are interested in learning how to cast a fly rod, or need some help fine-tuning that backcast. 1-877-379-3597[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]