It's time to work on your casting technique

It’s time to work on your casting technique

It really is time. You have the rest of the winter to get it done. It only takes a few minutes a week. And, you will reap the rewards for the entire season.

A building block for even greater accuracy, distance, and fun on the water. So what is holding you back? You can certainly spare 10 minutes a week. Get yourself motivated for better fishing this year.

But you must ask yourself these questions first.

  • Do you want to become a better caster?
  • Conversely do you want to catch more fish?
  • Do you want it bad enough?
  • Do you want your buddies to envy your dry fly cast?
  • Do you want to cast with ease in windy conditions?

Or are you comfortable with where you are currently at? If you are you need not read this blog. Skip the re-runs of Christmas television and spend a couple minutes with your rod in hand.  Or if you are at work…stash your fly rod in your trunk and practice a bit at lunch. Good idea huh.

Speaking of the windy conditions question above. Most anglers have trouble even with the slightest breeze. Newsflash: It is commonly breezy in many fishing situations. So what can you do about it? Practice. Practice in the wind.

The wind, light winds under 15mph, should not affect your cast. But for most even the lightest wind, light winds under 5mph, really compromise 99% of anglers. Don’t let that happen to you. Learning a few basic techniques can let you rise above the conditions.

A double haul gives you the tools to rise above the wind. Most folks believe the double haul is for distance, and true it can help for casting farther. But the increased line speed that the double haul creates is even a better answer to windy conditions.

Some tips for becoming that better caster include getting yourself into a casting lesson with someone in your area. They are easy to find. Go to your local fly shop and ask them who they would recommend.

I just thought of the casting at lunch program. It really does make sense. Get outside and cast. It’ll be good for you body, your mind, and all those fish you have not met…beware!

Make a plan for your casting improvement this coming year. It can be your New Years Resolution. 10 minutes a week is all it takes to move to the next level of caster. To the next level off angler. And then, happy fishing. It’s really that easy…


Missouri River Swing Season

Missouri River Swing Season

Missouri River Swing Season is upon us.

We have $300 Spey Casting/2 Handed Rod Guided Trips for the rest of 2014. All the way until the 31st of December.

We have done a few and have a few more slated for the upcoming week. Are you in? Why not try something new.

If you need a little nudge you should attend our Free Spey Casting Clinics with the first one being soon.

Missouri River Swing Season
Try something new this off season! Spey may be for you!

Saturday December 6th @ 9am. Come join us for an all day free clinic led by Headhunters own John Arnold. A killer PowerPoint presentation along side coffees and donuts at the Craig Trout Camp starts out the day with casting after the classroom session.

Many who have attended several clinics love the dry land presentation. After casting for a few days the second time you attend John’s presentation a few light bulbs in your head will pop off! The learning continues every time you attend.

Casting commences after the indoor session. Casting all afternoon local here in Craig. Several instructors will help you at whatever your casting experience is. This Free Spey Casting Class is limited to 12 students so get your name on the list today.

Remember the $300 Spey Guided Days until the end of the year. Free Casting Clinics begging December 6th and continue through the first Saturday in March.

Come out and learn something new this fall and winter with the perfect way to swing streamers on the Missouri River.

Missouri River Swing Season

  • Ever wanted to learn how to cast those funny long rods fellers are using with 2 hands on the rod?
  • Want to go on a northwest spey steelhead trip and don’t want to make an ass out of yourself with your buddies?
  • Want to show up knowing a thing or two about spey casting? Our clinics will get you started and casting well enough to catch fish!
  • Want to try out a bundle of DEMO Spey Rods from SAGE, Echo, T & T, and Orvis? Rods specifically chosen for swinging flies on the Missouri River.
  • Want to find the perfect line for your 2 handed rod? We have loads of demo lines, both Skagit and Scandi, to perfectly match your rod and casting style.
  • Want to get out of the house in December and come spend the day on the Mo’? Yeah, us too.

See you soon on the Mo’ wandering around with one of those funny long poles. Call today and get yourself on the FREE Spey Clinic list or book a $300 Spey Guided Trip. Remember we have cheap Craig Trout Camp Lodging too starting at $125. Make a weekend out of it!