Shelter from the Storm, Dylan, afternoon Water Update 6.8.20
The rain has stopped today. 3 days of a very good wetting. We were a bit behind our annual rainfall. And now the hills are green again.
The Dearborn is still in shape. Will it blow out again, rising to an un-fishable level? It may not. Currently under 600 cfs. There is a pulse of water shooting through it. But not much color. Not enough to affect the water below the confluence. The Dearborn still has fishable color. Not blown by any means.
As we have mentioned before the mud has come off in previous pulses of water. Pretty safe after the first blast.
The water is coming down today on the Missouri River as we should realize 8200cfs. It has already turned the corner. Tomorrow we will see flows at 7700 cfs according to the water managers. Currently scheduled to remain at this level through the week and maybe beyond.
All based on whether we receive additional rain in our system, basin wide. We’ll let you know as it breaks here first.
We are encouraged by the direction of the flows as June and PMD’s and summer fill our Headhunting minds.

And there is All the News Fit to Print. A tip of the hat to all of our NY and Try-State angling friends who will be here shortly. Travel safely. We will see you soon.
Give us a call if you want to proceed on your 2020 Missouri River fishing plans. We have lodging, guides, flies, fishing and fun cornered at 406-235-3447. Direct Booking Line 406-868-5473
We will bring you the latest on all Missouri River fronts here at your Entertainment, Information, Education, and Customer Service leader located in downtown Craig on the banks of Montana’s Missouri River.
Enjoy the Dylan jam. Happy Monday. The water is falling.
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