Montana Vets Montana Waters Promo Film


Montana Vets Montana Waters Promo Film

Check it out today on the Headhunters Blog a short film about Montana Vets Montana Waters. An org for Montana Vets by Montana Vets.

This killer film today on the Big Hole in SW Montana. Great story and great footage. A worthwhile viewing this morning. Check out the Montana Vets Montana Waters website for more info today.

Today is not a holiday I understand. Huh? Tomorrow, yes. The 4th.

The Project Healing Waters org has been around for some time and we host 2 Montana Project Healing Waters boats on site here in Craig. Call for a free rental. We will get you on the calendar.

The Great Falls Chapter Montana PHW is active on the river too.

Montana Wounded Warriors is yet another organization helping Vets via fly fishing.


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Living Rivers – Cast

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]From Epic Montana comes a very nice video about our friend, fellow guide and Upper Missouri Waterkeepers PD Wade Fellin. One of the better fly fishing videos I’ve seen in a while, and one with a message that matters. Check it out and hit the link below to learn more about the Waterkeepers. You can also check out Craig Fellin’s Big Hole Lodge. Maybe you want to spend a day or 3 with these guys?[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][us_separator height=”20px” size=”custom”][vc_btn title=”UPPER MISSOURI WATERKEEPERS” color=”primary” align=”center” link=”||target:%20_blank”][/vc_column][/vc_row]