Two-For Tuesday Missouri River Montana

Two-For Tuesday Missouri River Montana A Montana double today on the HH Blog site featuring a married couple that fishes together. Well, Ben for the most part, but now Amanda as she shows her partner who the real angler is in the family. Brown trout generally trump the rainbow trout here amongst locals. Not that … Read more

Tuesday Moving Pictures

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]More strange Cinemagraphs from scumliner. What are they good for? Not sure, but I sure like them. Pretty spacey. Might take a second to load, so be patient. Three different ones this week, starting off with guide Beth Hood:[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][us_separator show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][vc_column_text]Next my buddy and Carp Fishing guru Dan Frasier from over the border in SoDak. This shot is from my trip to Beaver Island, MI last summer.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][us_separator show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][vc_column_text]And finally Ben McNinch at the vise, where he lives…[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Dewey, Ben, and Peter Go Golfing

Dewey, Ben, and Peter Go Golfing

A cool article written by Dewey a Headhunters All Star about the weekly trial and tribulations of folks in the fishing game. Dewey is our resident Safety Expert. His background dictates he fills this position. Ben and Peter? Their backgrounds? College grads of course. Most fishing guides are before they find their way.

Guide the Guides

What do guides do after a day trip on the river? I have shared a cold beer on the deck and Joe’s with the guys and gals, but what’s up when they leave the Missouri River corridor and venture out.

A couple of guides, lets call them Ben and Peter, invited me to golf after guide trips. I had the opportunity to join them a couple a weeks ago.

We headed to my home course Eagle Falls in Great Falls with a cooler full of Busch Light. We arrived about 45 minutes before tee time so they let us go out the back nine.

Ben and Peter had never played the back nine at Eagle Falls and both were as excited as hungry brown trout during a Trico emergence. I thought to myself I get to guide the guides into new territory. I explained the layout of the tenth hole. I was guiding the guides.  I tee’d off and put it in the bunker. Ben and Peter hit the fairway. Then they both shot par on the first hole while I made bogey. I was off to a shaky start as a guide.

The next hole worked out a little better as I hit the fairway along with Ben and Peter. Now I was guiding. I think we all made par.

I soon found out these guys can play golf. They did not need any guiding from me other than which way to the next hole. The problem is they were to chill and having to much fun to care about the score. The way fishing should be!

We finished the round and went to Borries for dinner. I was pleasantly surprised  to find out the driver gets treated to dinner. I happened to be the driver.

That night was great and gave me a glimpse into how a Missouri River fishing guide unwinds. If a guide invites you to golf you ought give it a go.

By the way Ben and Peter golfed in flip-flops while I golf in tennis shoes. I now golf in flip/flops, it’s bitchin.
