Friday Foto

Friday Foto

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]May is nearly over.

June is nearly here.

How much longer do you have to wait to get on that plane to come on out and fish the Mo?

Well, we hope it is coming soon.

Or if it does not come for some time, we will eagerly waiting your arrival.

Whenever your time comes we will welcome you.

Make your own bit of fly fishing history this summer on the dry fly capitol of the west.


It is still raining at the time of this post. Good news. The historically wet May may lead into the historically wet June. May brings 2.4″ and June brings more. We exceeded the May norms and will we create more mountain greenery this June?

We hope so!

A couple storms dumped about a 1/2″ of water over our region. Bring it!

Canyon Ferry level is now 89.4%. It’s coming…that is good.

Happy Friday to all those in Troutlandia from all of us in Craiglandia.


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