New Breed Chicks Rule & Future Flyfishers

New Breed Chicks Rule & Future Flyfishers

New Breed Chicks Rule & Future Flyfishers today on the Headhunters Blog. Audrey helping Dad with this nice Missouri River Rainbow.

Good friends and original Headhunters clients Bret and Sara Childers from up north are now bringing several generations of the Childers clan. Father and Mother Childers and now their daughter Audrey.

Here is a note that Sara dropped us this morning.

Hello Headhunters,

We had a great time on the Missouri and enjoyed staying in your awesome Rv spots. We got a good picture of Bret & Audrey with a Mo Rainbow and thought it might be a good addition for your “Chicks Rule” on the blog. She floated Craig to Stickney with us, and by the end of the trip she was looking out the front of the boat telling her Dad, “I see sippers!”
Bret, Sara & Audrey Childers
Thanks Sara and thanks Audrey for rocking it on the Mighty Mo. We love seeing you folks here int he RV park and on the water. Bret helped John and Mark test the Inflatable Drift Boat by NRS last summer. Brett and Sara love to hang on the porch too. Can you blame them?
Thanks again Childers family for visiting and enjoying Montana’s Missouri River. See you soon!