Achilles Last Stand Led Zeppelin


Achilles Last Stand Led Zeppelin

Montana’s Last Stand this weekend.

And float and fish they have been. Today again as many Saturdays in the past month have been the Montanans were out in force.

A 100 boat trailers at Mid Canon. Yessir. More Dearborn River floaters than anyone, yes anybody, has ever seen.

All Montanans.

So before the out of state gates are open the residents of this fine state are fishing, drifting, recreating, on our fabulous Montana resources.

So, this may be Montana’s Last Stand.

One of Squeeky’s favorite tunes by the Mighty Zep. Live with the boys ripping it up in ’77 and ’79.

Check out the story on this tune.

Enjoy your final weekend without outside influences Montana. Monday is a new day.

Turn this one up. Loud. Page would approve.


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Achilles Last Stand Led Zeppelin Video

Jimmy Page stated at one point this was his favorite Led Zeppelin song.

This is certainly in my Top 10.

And this live version rips. Check it out live on their one of the DVD’s out today.

Enjoy Sunday.

Here in central Montana it is slated to be 80F. The last day of May. Our Last Stand before the mayhem of June begins…

Achilles Last Stand Led Zeppelin Video