

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] AntMusic Happy Sunday. 100F here today for us. It’s hot. Ants are in the mix, on the menu, and should be a part of your dry fly day. Blind fish it. Sight fish it. As long as you fish it. In tune with the weekend theme, more from Squeeky and some damn 80’s references. … Read more

Labor Day Rocking 80’s Video

Loverboy for Labor Day today with Everybody’s Working for the Weekend from ’81.

It rules. Hope you had a fantastic Labor Day that did not include much labor. Fishing we hope.

Endure the first two minutes of rock and roll banter to get to the rock. And it does rock.

Loverboy straight outta Canadia  with this classic.

Turn it up. You know you love it.