5 Steps to Summer Success

5 Steps to Summer Success


5 Steps to Summer Success

In this self-isolation period of our lives we need to do something, anything, to keep ourselves busy. Spending time with your fly rod could be just the answer.

We know you always have the best intentions of practicing your fly cast before you arrive at the World Class Dry Fly Arena here in Craig Montana. But sometimes life gets in the way.

Alas, Covid-19 comes along and allows all kinds of time for practice. Now you will NO EXCUSES when you arrive on the Mighty Mo this summer.

  1. Practice Casting. I say this a lot. Practice Casting. If you do, you will catch more fish. Honest. 10 minutes per session. Get yourself a practice rod if you wish or line up your 9 foot 5 weight and get out there. Run through a couple situations that you may encounter on the river. Try casting with your left hand! Can you can the fly accurately in the wind? At 37 feet without the wind? can you get some extra distance from your cast? But the bottom line is that you just want to have that rod in your hand making friends with your brain. The more rod in hand time, the better your success rate on the river this summer!
  2. Organize your kit bag, boat bag, fly fishing closet. The biggest task on this is becoming familiar with our tools. And tossing out shit you do not need. Or giving it away. That garbage has to go. Any of those items you are saving for your grandkids…toss out or give to charity. Then buy them something they want, or is designed for them, at that moment. ‘Nuff said.
  3. Create a valid First Aid Kit. I like to have all kinds of care items in my kit from an arm splint, eye irrigant, Benadryl , Ibuprofen, Whiskey, lots of Band-Aids in varying sizes!, Neosporin. The ready to go kits are pretty awesome. It is better than most have already in their boats or vehicles. We love the first aid kit offerings from NRS in Idaho. Put one in your car too!
  4. Tie some Just Add Vise Kit Flies. Fruit Roll-Up? Face Plant? Rainbow Czech. Bubble Yum? Corn-Fed Caddis?. Ohh, all good my friends!
  5. Fantasize about summer fly fishing. That is what I do. Close my eyes and watch mental movies of PMD’s coming through the surface! Ohh, yeah, that’s nice.

And, that is all you can do. Practice, organize, fantasize, wash your hands.

PS If you have not read our Covid-19 operations update, it is here.

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