Jobs @ Headhunters 2015

Jobs @ Headhunters Fly Shop 2015

It is that time of year when we scour the country in search of a few good Headhunters employees.

You can see above one of the many the joys of working at a fly shop. Today we counted flies. Tomorrow? Answering the phone, selling fly rods, booking summer guests, shuttling a few vehicles. The daily grind. Is it that bad? No, certainly not.

Some even find it fun and rewarding. It does not hurt that you would be living on one of the premier trout rivers in the world.

The word is out. We need a couple shop staff for the year. Estimated starting time Mid April-first part of May thru October. We may entertain a seasonal employee as well, May/June thru August. So get your resume’s in and we will attack them with vigor. As with application process those who present themselves well will get the first attention. Want to dive into the world of fly fishing in one of the world’s coolest and fishiest rivers, towns? Get on it!



So, you want to work in a fly shop. Do you really know what you are getting into? If you think working at a fly shop entails sitting around and drinking coffee while you surf Moldy Chum and read the latest issue of the Drake, then don’t apply with us. Working at Headhunters is fast paced, and sometimes high stress. The Missouri River is one of the most popular fisheries in the world, and Headhunters is known as the information center on the river. We expect our employees to provide customers with the highest level of customer service, and most accurate information. Our team environment is both demanding and fun to work in, but it’s not “easy”.


We are generally looking for knowledgeable, energetic and enthusiastic anglers to join our team. Youth rules around our shop. We like folks with energy. A passion for fly-fishing mandatory, both to work at Headhunters and to live in Craig. There’s not much else to do. If hitting Starbucks in the morning and the symphony after dinner is important to you, you probably won’t like living in Craig. If choking down a burger and a brew after a 10 hour day, then fishing the evening caddis until after dark is more your style, you’ll love it.


If you are interested in working at Headhunters, you must send us a resume’ to begin the process. Fill it out just like they teach you in high school… references, work and eduction history, etc. Make sure and include any information you think we should know about you and who you are.  A grip ‘n grin shot of you with a nice fish wouldn’t hurt either. Those that live close enough to come for an initial interview are encouraged to do so. Position finalists may be asked to come to Craig for an interview. Questions can be sent to or

We are looking for the following positions:

Shop Staff 2015

Starts: Mid April/May 2015

Hours: Full Time/Seasonal

Salary: $10/hr

Closing: February 7th 2015

Shop duties include high end customer service providing information regarding the fishing on the Missouri River. Some shuttling of vehicles. Some lawn maintenance. Some rigging of rods and reels. Fly shop stuff. You will need some Point of Sale/POS skills which means familiarity with computers. Strong phone skills are a plus too. Fly knowledge and fly fishing product knowledge is certainly helpful.


  • Good personal and customer service skills
  • Excited about helping fly fishing anglers
  • Knowledge of fly fishing basics
  • Basic computer skills
  • Smiles

Send Resumes to or with “Resume” or “Employment” in the subject line please!


Shuttle Drivers 2015

Starts: April 1, 2015

Hours: Full Time/Part Time

Salary: $10/hr

Closing: Never

Our shuttle service is an important part of our operation. We provide shuttle all year, and from April through October routinely do 20-50 shuttles a day. Shuttle drivers work very hard, and should expect hours to be 2-6 hours a day. Sounds like fin just driving up and down the river, huh? Not always. The work is hard, mistakes are not tolerated and the days can be hot and long during June, July and August. The schedule is pretty flexible, and it’s a great way for those looking to stay busy and earn a few bucks during the summer.


  • Clean Driving Record.
  • Ability to back up a truck and trailer.
  • Ability to drive a manual transmission vehicle.
  • Positive attitude.

Contact Julie Arnold ( at the shop; 406-235-3447.

Missouri River Montana 2015 Water Update

Missouri River Montana 2015 Water Update

The Missouri River Montana 2015 water flow projection. The snow is falling in the Rocky Mountains and stacking up for our summer water here in central Montana.

Several bouts of snow here locally and I know that the scattered storms crossing Montana are adding up to good news.

Missouri River Montana 2015 Water Update
Looking good all over the state.

As you can see on the map above that the snow water equivalent is right on track. We don’t get to excited until the percentages are grossly skewed to one side or the other. It generally balances out. The winter is predicted to be colder and drier than normal. So…

Great Falls recieves 9, 8, 12, and 9 inches of snow January thru April. So we have the wettest months ahead of us with May and June contributing over half of our annual precipitation.

What does that tell us? More snow, sleet,a dn rain ahead of us. While it seems like the winter is long, it is, we are just a 1/3 of the way through it.

That is why we have Fly Tying Night in America coming up this Wednesday night  530pm in Craig. Weather permitting. If it is downright shitty, we will cancel. Fly Tying Nights are scheduled every second Wednesday night beginning this Wednesday January 7th.

Missouri River Montana 2015 Water Update

2014 was an average water year. 2013 was below average. ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11 were all high water years. I believe that the norm is not the average. The norm is something well beyond the average.

We’re just passing along he current information and current snowfall, precipitation levels, and snow water equivalents.

We will keep you informed as the snow falls and the Missouri River Montana 2015 Water Forecast comes into shape. We really do not know much until we roll into late March, April and May. The snow fall is all on the ground in mid April. We will also post the DNRC prediction of water flows for the coming summer.

The flow they would like to hold though out the summer is 4200cfs. The projected big water level of about 10K cfs is what they, the water controllers, would like to see in June. Not 20K. But 15K is never too far out of the equation. If it rains 3+ inches in June, then we see some crazy shit. But, until then, we just guess a lot.

The Missouri River is a 12 month fishery with some ups, and some downs. Right now it is just cold and snowing. Give us a shout if you have any questions about water levels in any given month. We’ll guess right along with you.

Missouri River New Years Fishing Report 1.2.15

Missouri River New Years Fishing Report 1.2.15

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Happy New Year Headhunters. The Missouri River fared well as the Polar Plungers christened the waters once again in Craig @ High Noon starting the year of right!

Water temps for the plungers was  34.5F. Oh so cold. The trout are a touch on the slow side as well. Slush in the lower river most of the week. Probable for a couple more days of the same kind of icebergish water.

Below 36F, water temp, can slow the fishing down considerably. Usually does not slow the anglers down. Any day the weather is near freezing there are anglers about.

The water flows are up as the DNRC tries to alleviate shelf ice and anchor ice and other troubles that occur due to frigid air temps below 0F. 5K is the usual level for this quite common winter maneuver. Currently 4770cfs.

Let’s move it back to the 36F range.

A bunch of snow on the ground. 8+ here in Craig still. Settling has occurred. Looks like we may get some more spitting on us as the weekend and front end of the coming week. Temperatures increasing daily with highs in the 30’s in the future.

Check with the shop about the boat ramp situation if you are dumping your boat in the water. The obvious and usable ramps are the dam and Craig and Spite Hill. No shelf ice hindering any of those ramps. The steeper ramps including Wolf Creek, Stickney Creek and Dearborn are iced up as I write. Mid Canon is workable too.

Shuttles daily with rental boats out this week too. Guide trips available to get your year started right.

Missouri River New Years Fishing Report 1.2.15

Flies? Pink. Streamers? Small. 2 Handers? Skagit if you want to.

Free 2 Handed Casting and Fishing Clinic January 10th. SOLD OUT. A couple on the waiting list already. A few spots open for the February 7th gig.

Mike McCune and Whitney Gould Spey Clinic coming as well. We will let you know when we nail down the dating on this very special Sustained Anchor Clinic possibly in April.

Fly Tying Night in America coming Wednesday 7th @ 5:30pm. A good time for locals in an unstructured setting with some cold beers.

Headhunters open daily for shuttles, flies, lodging, booking summer trips, rental boats, sale items from SIMMS, new fly lines, VersiLeaders, and a ton of free information.

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