Sunday Beastie Boys Glasgow 1999


Sunday Beastie Boys Glasgow 1999

Best concert I never went to. Honest.

I am a huge Beastie Boys fan with influences that include jazz, funk, punk, soul, 70’s and 80’s beats, rock and beyond. A diverse music knowledge flows through their NYC veins.

And I grew up in this era. Watching this freaked me out. At 11:40 Time for Livin’ with the boys rocking their own instruments flipped me right out. Seriously.

Many times. Dancing in my living room. Wildly. Flippin’ out.

That is some punk rock shit right there man.

So if you are watching bad football today as the schedule is pretty weak, spin this vid up and go to work.

Skip you Pilates workout today as this will get the blood moving rapidly enough.

Watch in the garage, or the bedroom (hide) to let your family believe you can still dance appropriately.

Truly the best 45 minutes of my weekend. The fishing has gone soft the past couple days and that is upsetting. Expect a full report tomorrow. This brings me right back to center. If I am ever feeling a bit low, under-energized, solemn, sad…I’m a gonna turn this right on and recharge the batteries man.

Listened to Sabotage every morning ski bumming at White Pass in 1994. When this album, Ill Communication was released it shook our household. Daily. Starting with coffee etcetera every morning before work at 530-ish am.

You can find Sabotage on the live feed at 43:08. It rules.

And if you are not familiar with the video Sabotage, which shoulda won several awards, check it out below. Check out the 10 Facts about the Video Sabotage.   

Wiki Sabotage stats can be found here.

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3 thoughts on “Sunday Beastie Boys Glasgow 1999”

  1. Sorry Mark, I’m just not, or ever was, a Punk Rock Fan, but your enthusiasm sure got me all “Lit-Up,” even while I mope about fending off the remains of this years (early?) Flu Bug. On the bright side, I’m ALL done with Fly ‘FishBucket’ List 2020 ! Must of read & reread most of HH’s Fishing Reports since 2016 and boiled it all down to what I AlReady had decided BEFORE I started that process ! Weird right ? Once again (3rd year in a row) I find myself in “MOtana” ! Yup, HeadHunter’s gonna be like a 2nd home in 2020, not once, but twice . I;ll keep you guessing on the “details” for now . Swing-time in Swinglandia .

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