Summer Foreshadowing

Summer Foreshadowing

Looking at the end of winter today?  Maybe. Before we get to thinking about summer we have to get ourselves into spring. And that may happen this month? We sure hope so. A couple days of 60’s but not enough strung together to make much difference.

We did have a bit of early run-off for a couple days blowing out the Dearborn and releasing an ice jam a couple weeks ago. More of that kind of activity ahead of us but as you know we here on the Missouri River are so fortunate not to have the massive run-off periods that our neighbors to the north, south, and west endure for months. And this year will be no different.

In fact we will see them all starting very soon. Many outfitters and guides from around the state spend time on the Mo when their local rivers are blown out. Headhunters Guides stay put throughout the year not traveling and guiding other resources. We guide here. The Missouri River is our home, and we open 99% of the time fishing and guiding this river. Like a French Chef that cooks French cuisine. Not a French Chef that cooks Russian cuisine. Call us up if you need guides, lodging, or any spring suggestions or help. We are your full service high water fly shop with most, yes most of the answers.

A short summer foreshadowing today on the Headhunters Blog and Fishing Report. Hatches, timing, lodging, guides…

Pale Morning Duns

Squeeky’s favorite hatch. And the most difficult to fish.for the long haul. PMD’s will drive you to drink. But the first couple weeks the fish are much easier. They get more difficult as the hatch moves forward.

In the early days you can fool the trout with a few dun patterns, an occasional parachute…then it gets harder. Much harder in late July…

Caddis Flies

A smattering of them in May, then we wait another good month until we see them in Ernest again. Mid June through Mid August. Tan and grey and cinnamon. Some green ones too.

Better during higher water periods like this year maybe. So we are gearing up for caddis madness. We could have an epic year in 2018. Tie up some spents, caddis emergers, and down wingers. Then we will see you when it goes off!


What many come for in July. July 5th is the beginning of it all. Unless we have really high water. Then they come later. The hatch that is as consistent as any, the Trico hatch.

Legendary on the Missouri River. Come fish it all the way through August. IT gets hard in August though. Technical anglers only need apply. Or those who like less traffic and more difficult fish. Smart ones.


Late May for the ants throughout the summer months. Grasshoppers in July and beyond. A short window of greatness for the hopper. Sometimes only a couple weeks. Occasional years, very occasionally, they eat it for better than a month.

Get ready for summer. We are. It will be here quickly. A blink of an eye. First we may have spring, but like Del said at the sump this afternoon,

“We may not have a spring. Let’s hope we have a summer? If not, we can look forward to fall. I like fall.”

Call us up anytime for up to the minute water reports, summer flow guesses, hatch activity, shuttles, lodging, Trout Spey, summer guide trips, or just to chat about fishing.



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