Summer 2020

Summer 2020

The first of the Holiday weeks. This is a big one.

You will see family and friends. Drink a bit. Tell some lies. Watch some football. Maybe fish. Definitely Nap.

A call to you to discuss your 2020 summer fishing plans. Get in now, secure your perfect Mo River Lodging, and book your favorite Headhunters Guide.

A great time to get this in the books. Sleep easier. Dream of Trico’s dancing in the Missouri River Summer Skies.

1 thought on “Summer 2020”

  1. Been their, done that x2 ! I will be looking forward to hopefully a quiet, uneventful winter hibernation, mixed with some Total Gym muscle toning exercising . +, You know what they say . . . “Eat, Sleep, Dream (of fishing), repeat ! See ya in April/May & Sept/Oct !

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