Spring Sunshine, Snowpack, and Surprises


Spring Sunshine, Snowpack, and Surprises

Been pretty nice here on the river. Good fishing, good weather, fresh air.

But, as I write this Wednesday evening it is snowing hard, with an inch on the ground in the past 30 minutes. So the title of this blog could possibly be Spring in the Rockies.

Spring is the craziest of the 4 Montana seasons. Rain, snow, sun, heat, cold…and always wind.

Our snowpack is above average as we move toward the end of March. Officially spring as of last week we head into the rainy season on the Eastside of the Divide.

In the next 3 months we will receive 75% of our annual rainfall.

The water/snow, snow water equivalent, on the ground as of mid-April is the water we will see come through our Missouri River system for the foreseeable summer future.

So how much do we have on the ground?

Spring Sunshine, Snowpack, and Surprises

Enough is the answer. As we have mentioned previously on this here blog we are expecting an average water summer. That is good news for the angler. Mother Nature, fish, bugs, humans…are very comfortable with average.

Battling through March with the rest of you out there isolated. We are fishing a bundle, staying away from our neighbors and friends, staying close to our families, and doing the best we can.

Spring Sunshine, Snowpack, and (daily) Surprises keep us on our proverbial casting toes. Call us up if you have any questions about fishing now, online orders, lodging in the future, guide trips in the future, or if you just wanna chat with one of us here at Headhunters to get out of your funk for a few minutes.

Be safe, be well. Rocky Mountain High John Denver below. Yes, turn it up and sing along. Loudly.

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