Silly Sunday Spey Scenery

Casting clinic yesterday at Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service.

Lots of folks casting, a ton of fellowship, and some fish were caught too.

Guide trips out today while the weather is cooperating. A few boats on the water using the only shuttle service in Craig. Quite a few wade anglers roaming the waters of the Missouri as well.

Enjoy fishing, napping, or watching football.

Or if you live here locally…all three.

1 thought on “Silly Sunday Spey Scenery”

  1. Kudos to the Headhunter’s staff for putting on a great two handed casting clinic. The Power Point presentation was excellent and most informative. The hands on clinic on the river with one on one instruction was also outstanding. Not only were the instructors knowledgeable, they also were very personable and enjoyable to be with.
    The shore line banter was also fun and topped off a great day.

    Thanks for putting this on.


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