Silly Sunday Scenery Snow Spey Edition

Snow on the Trout Spey rods Friday morning.

Looks like more of the light and white and fluffy stuff arriving this week.

Cold too. As we near Thanksgiving the temps cool off.

Silly Sunday Scenery Snow Spey EditionBeen a few anglers out tossing the trout spey rod this last week. A river survey via driving the frontage road a few times this week has shown that the spey rod is being employed on the Missouri.

A perfect tool for the wade fisher.

Check in tomorrow morning for a Scumliner Media Mike McCune video involving Trout Spey Retrieval techniques.

Remember our Free Troutspey casting clinics the first Saturday of every month. I believe the December clinic is full but you should check in with the shop in regards to the 2016 classes.

Have a great holiday week ahead. Some of you are traveling, some of you are hosting. We wish all of you a safe week with friends and family.