Silly Sunday Scenery Smoky Skies

Silly Sunday Scenery Smoky Skies

Yes, the smoke from fires to the North of us have already smoked our skies.

But, we hope it will blow right on out of here.

It does blow here you know.

Jared and Max V fishing too rising trout on the Mo yesterday late morning.

Thye had to be to work at 1pm so they ran out for an morning fish.

Not too bad when you can post out on rising trout before your start time at House of Headhunters.

Coffee. Cripples. Rising Trout?

Happy Sunday to you too out there in troutland.

It is about ready to get rolling here in Craig. Dry Fly Mania.

The river is holding below 7K. Hooray. Foreshadowing for certain man.