Silly Sunday Scenery Scanning for Trout

Silly Sunday Scenery Scanning for Trout

We rate nearing the tipping point of the summer.

I think July 5th is a date upon the fish become more difficult everyday.

I think that the beginning of the 4th week of July is the tipping point for fishing pressure.

Waxing, then waning. We will be waning soon. Later this week.

Searching for trout above are Joe and Paul Taylor. The 17 year for them on the Missouri River. Staying power for sure. Always a pleasure to fish with the boys. DFO is their game and the 3rd week of July always provides. Good pod behaviors by our Missouri River trout showed them some really good fishing.

Saturday is our busiest day of the week with Sundays coming in second. Monday tomorrow. We will see the decline in anglers and pleasure floaters.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend at the lake, on the river, at the house with the family, or whatever your favorite pursuits might include.

2 thoughts on “Silly Sunday Scenery Scanning for Trout”

  1. Mark, you made our trip the best, as always. When Pop and I need to diffuse and just chill, there are few better places and people to be with! Have a good year my friend!

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