Silly Sunday Scenery | Just Duck Edition

A few years back we got flack for posting a banner image during construction of the bridge that followed this bridge.

But since this bridge is gone, history, in the archives…I wonder if we will get beef from folks who regard this locale sacred?

Silly Sunday Scenery is just that.

If you know where this bridge is, or was…don’t tell anyone.

See. The secret is safe.


P.S. I wonder how Lewis and Clark got under this bridge?


On another note. The weather is turning for the worse and we could not be happier.

Hopefully you are spending a little time on the river, this or your own, this coming week. Just a little time left before it may be too cold, football too god, hunting, or honey-do’s. Cast a few more times, duck out of the house one last time…

Trust me. I’m a guide.

Do it.


1 thought on “Silly Sunday Scenery | Just Duck Edition”

  1. I rowed an NRS with some friends down this channel (rower’s right) a few years ago and we did the “duck” as well. It was between Mid Canon and Prewitt Creek, all I can say.

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