Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery today on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog.

This sign at the top of Spring Creek exit I-15. Get off heading North 7 miles outside of Wolf Creek. IT parallels the Little Prickly Pear Creek. Damn pretty and pretty fishy too when she opens on May 17th. 3rd Saturday of May is our spring opener.

Until then we got shitty cold snow.

The weather has turned for the worse so we give you a happy sign. A sign into the canyon. A sign that the world is not ending and winter will leave us alone at some point.

The sign states on the left side “This recreation road meanders through scenic canyons and river valleys. The traveller will find opportunities for leisurely sight-seeing, frequent photo stops, picnicking, boating, and fishing.” 

Until then, we smile. Grin and bear it til the snow leaves us.

Snow Sunday, today. Monday? Monday brings temps in the 60’s again.

What a relief.

Happy Sunday to all of you out there in Trout Fantasy Land.

$300 Guide Trips continue…

2 thoughts on “Silly Sunday Scenery”

  1. Despite the above mentioned crapy weather, following your advice yielded a great day. My father and I had a great time, and will be back for sure. Thanks again.

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