She’s headed over 16K!

She’s headed over 16K!

Yep, she’s headed over 16K!

It’s cool. She is fishing well if you like catching trout.

If you like catching trout  on dry flies…you may want to wait.

The rain and sun forecast for the week and weekend ahead of us has encouraged the water managers to pump up the Missouri River a bit.

Good. Get it out. Do it.

Like we have reported all along we do not see the water flows pushing towards the 20K mark unless the heaven’s open up with rain cascading to the ground for days on end. Beyond that, we should see relatively predictable flows through the end of next month. Meaning 15-16K for the coming weeks. Higher? Probably not. Lower? Probably not.  We are on the right path to fill Canyon Ferry Lake at the standard fill time of late June. Looks real good for that.

The higher the flows the more we will see anglers fishing inside out, your drifter crashing through the brush, and bobber portioned next to the oar. Sometimes the flies feel like they are under the boat.

And sometimes they are.

Big holiday weekend coming up. Memorial Day. Keep us in mind for a guide trip, lodging, the right flies, that new fly line, Wi-Fi, cell coverage, free coffee…

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