Sage PULSE: The XP Reincarnate
Shane speaking with you today on your favorite Montana fly fishing blog from downtown Craig. Headhunters is my home and the Missouri River is our testing ground. Below are my thoughts from my favorite new Sage fly rod.
Throughout my fishing life I’ve accumulated, sold, traded, and held onto fly rods from Sage Graphite to Winston Boron. From old Fenwick Glass to Echo Carbon and everything in between. There has always been one rod that sticks out clearly in my mind…the Sage XP.
This post is not about the XP. This post is about the XP nephew, the Sage PULSE. Same family, similar lineage, same great Sage casting feel.It is vital to mention the Sage XP along with the Sage PULSE share the Graphite IIIe technology. These two rods have a lot in common.
The Sage PULSE has earned a place in my boat for guide trips. Customers love it. It casts well and is not a rod that requiters a lengthly learning period. I also do a majority of my personal fishing with this rod. The only time I deviate is when I’m committing to the dry fly all day. Then I choose the new Sage X 490 that rules the day. That’s another blog post though!

For me, the PULSE, with its fast action but Graphite IIIe technology, is fast, yet more forgiving than some of the other graphite technologies (Konnetic) that Sage also makes. In essence, it feels nostalgic for me. The ability to feel the rod load works for beginners to experienced casters alike. It’s this diversity that makes it an all around go to rod for my boat. From a small to a larger double nymph rig to a bigger dry dropper rig, the PULSE throws all of them with ease and command. Conversely the PULSE is precise and delicate enough to hunt heads on the dry.
Another appealing wrinkle of the Sage PULSE is the price point. At $450 this rod comes in somewhere in the middle. Well below the lofty $900 fly rods. The quality it delivers surpasses the dollar value you have to throw down to add it to your fly rod arsenal. 2016 saw the PULSE as our best selling Sage fly rod. For many reasons notwithstanding the price. But at the end of the day, it is the versatility and casting feel that wins out.
Hands down, I feel that the PULSE is the best medium priced rod out there. Not only for its workhorse characteristics and affordable price point, but also for nostalgia’s sake. A great fly rod at any price. The PULSE is my odd of choice for everyday fly fishing tasks!
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