Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service hosted the RIO Products team this year here in Craig fishing the Mighty Missouri River this last month of October. A fun time had by all.
RIO hosts a number of dealers from around this great country. Vail Valley Anglers, Mend Provisions in South Minneapolis, Shultz Outfitters in Michigan, Mossy Creek Fly Shop, Gorge Fly Shop in Hood River, Big R, Fish First in Berkeley, and a few more.
A wonderful time is had here in Craig as we enjoy meeting new faces from other fly shops scattered around America. There are not enough cool, small privately owned fly shops. Small fly shop are a dying breed. These folks are all proactive in their respective fly fishing communities and moving forward to raise the level of customer service. These owners and buyers form the respective shops love fishing and are interested in developing a community of like minded clients, guests, and patrons.

We are so glad to host them and introduce them to the Missouri River. As many of you already know, this truly is a special place.
If you are traveling and need a guide or a place to kill a few hours in between flights or work jaunts, look these fellers up.
The fun products of the week included some new nymph, streamer, and dry fly lines of the future. I gotta tell ya, the future is bright. Not meaning fly line colors, but the technology and design of said fly lines is super cool!
Not only is it fun, cool, fresh…the technology actually helps us, as fly fishermen, fish better. I commonly get the question in the store “Well, they are all about the same right?” Not true. Fly line technology and design has come light years forward in the last ten years. No more Cortland 333HT’s on every Cortland fly pole.
I like this analogy. Fly lines of today and yesterday is like comparing rotary dial phones to an I-Phone.
The fly line product that got rave reviews from all attending was of course the newest RIO dry line. The RIO Perception is the first dry fly line with ConnectCore technology. Less stretching, more catching. Ultra low stretch means more hook-ups. That’s an easy equation.

The RIO Perception is easy to lift from the water and casts easy short. You can actually feel the take sooner, transmitting energy faster and more efficiently, equaling more hook-ups! The 3 color system, SureFire, can improve accuracy tremendously. Color changes at 20′ and 37′ allows you perception of the the head length is and execute shorter, rapidly accurate casts to rising trout.
Need more information about ConnectCore and the crowd pleasing Perception? Check out this RIO Perception video on Vimeo.
- RIO Products Facebook Page
- RIO Products Blog Post regarding the Missouri River Trip
- RIO Vimeo Page for even more video information and entertainment.
Thanks to the gang who came out to the Mo this last month. Thanks to RIO for fishing and having a ball on the Missouri fro 11 years. Hope to see you again this coming year!

Is that Schultzy’s shadow in the picture?
Mark’s shadow.