Of Caddis and Summer

Of Caddis and Summer

By Mark Raisler | January 20, 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Of Caddis and Summer 50F outside today. Did some yard work, turned the compost pile, fooled around in the garage with fly gear. And saw my favorite fly box. Bought it for a dollar … Read more

Classic 1939 Rod Manufacturing Video

Classic 1939 Rod Manufacturing Video

By Mark Raisler | January 19, 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Classic 1939 Rod Manufacturing Video Cool vid today not eh HH Blog. Playoff Football on TV. The Australian Open starts too. Weather’s the best it has been in at least a week on the … Read more

How to Choose a Sink Tip Video

How to Choose a Sink Tip Video

By Mark Raisler | January 18, 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] How to Choose a Sink Tip Video Saturday. A good day to watch a video about choosing a streamer line. That is step one. Step two is to call your fly shop and get … Read more

Frozen Friday Foto

Frozen Friday Foto

By Mark Raisler | January 17, 2020

Frozen Friday Foto Slushy in the canyon. Frozen below Pelican Point on the lower. Free up top. And the air temps may crawl out of the cellar.

Weekend Fishing Forecast

Weekend Fishing Forecast

By Mark Raisler | January 16, 2020

Weekend Fishing Forecast Richard writing the Blog today. Thanks Richard. Glad you survived the arctic temps this week! Here we are in the middle of January. As I’m writing this fishing report, air temps are … Read more

Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff

Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff

By Mark Raisler | January 15, 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff One of the great casters, instructors, and minds in todays fishing world. He also makes some pretty popular rods by the name of ECHO. Tim today talks about … Read more