Sara Roholt Headhunters

Montana Mid-winter Snowpack Report

By John Arnold | January 17, 2014

Time to talk about our Montana Mid-winter Snowpack Report, snowfall and water prognosticating for the upcoming season. Unlike others, Mark and I refuse to tell you what’s going to happen this summer when it comes … Read more

Lt. Dan Fly FIshing

Guide to Fly Fishing in the Wind.

By John Arnold | January 16, 2014

Wind is a fact of life for Missouri River fly fishermen. It blows around here, as it does all along the eastern slope of the Rockies. Visiting anglers are often shocked to see how hard … Read more

Fly Tying… not tonight!

By John Arnold | January 15, 2014

No one seems too interested in tying flies tonight, which is fine. You shouldn’t obsess with fly fishing every single hour of every single day. We will see you fer shur next Wednesday night.

Swift Epic 580 Fiberglass Manifesto

Epic is Right! Swift Fly Fishing via TFM.

By John Arnold | January 15, 2014

A couple of months ago I was reading another great review of the Swift Fly Fishing “Epic” fiberglass fly rods. As with most of the fiberglass fly rod reviews I’ve read, it was good. In … Read more

Grande Ronde Spey Fishing

Now What?

By John Arnold | January 14, 2014

Squeeky is out of town for the week on a well deserved rest, so I’m being pulled back into the blogging duties. Hopefully that will be a good thing. You may have (or may have … Read more

Missouri RIver Summer 2014

Missouri River Summer 2014 | 10 Things you should know

By Mark Raisler | January 13, 2014

The summer will be upon us sooner than we would like to think. The winter can move very slowly, the spring somewhat quicker. We are winter fishing here on the Missouri, as we do all … Read more