Montana Spey Rids

Headhunters 2014 Spey Rod Lineup

By John Arnold | February 5, 2014

With another two-handed (spey) clinic coming up this weekend, we thought we’d go over our lineup of two-handed rods. As two-handers get shorter and faster, we have constantly improving models available in that 6-7 weight … Read more

Winter Guide Trips...

Winter Guide Trips…

By Mark Raisler | February 5, 2014

Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore coming up for air as he and his fiance, and a pile of locals remodel his house. Maybe Peter will stick around for a while as he establishes deeper roots. Peter … Read more

Montana spey clinic

Spey Clinic moved to Sunday

By John Arnold | February 4, 2014

Due to the super cold temperatures forecast for the end of the week, we are forced to move our free spey/two-handed clinic to Sunday, instead of Saturday as scheduled. Temps on Saturday are forecast to … Read more

Who’s Fishing in the Toilets, Comrade?

By John Arnold | February 4, 2014

We don’t often share social media stuff here on the blog. Social Media stuff is, well, for social media. But this tweet from Canadian Team Snowboarder Sebastien Toutant (SebToots on Twitter) has really got me … Read more

Gary LaFontaine Wisdom…

By Braden Lewis | February 4, 2014

New employee Braden Lewis,  you’ll meet him this summer, sent us this mid-winter blog post. Thanks Braden. We love LaFontaine wisdom too! While the winter time on the Missouri River still offers solid fishing, I … Read more

Wolf Creek Eggs 'n Class

Wolf Creek Eggs ‘n Class

By Mark Raisler | February 3, 2014

Trout Eggs in the one room classsroom in Wolf Creek. The kids are watching the hatching process right in front of their eyes. I think they may be baby fish right now. Yep, baby Arlee … Read more