Friday Foto Memorial Day Weekend Fishing Report

Friday Foto Memorial Day Fishing Report 5.23.14

By Mark Raisler | May 23, 2014

Hooray for the weather, for the holiday weekend, for the trout. All good things happening here in Craig Montana. Kicking off the weekend in the west! If you are not coming this weekend, we certainly … Read more

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.22.14

By Mark Raisler | May 22, 2014

Getting warmer by the day and the water temps are following suit. You should bring your warm weather gear as many have been over dresses. On the Mo, in the month of May? Yes, it … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule #6547

New Breed Chicks Rule #6547

By Mark Raisler | May 22, 2014

Lena with here first big trout from the Mo. Fishing with Headhunters Guide Brett Matula she got this beauty Rainbow a month ago. Nice work. She is looking forward to here next trip out hopefully … Read more

Missoiuri RIver Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.21.14

By Mark Raisler | May 21, 2014

The water levels remain stable as the higher level snows have started to come off. Albeit just recently. Like yesterday. So when will the river be in the 6K range? Not for a while is … Read more

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.20.14

By Mark Raisler | May 20, 2014

Welcome to the Headhunters nearly daily fly fishing report for Montana’s Missouri River. Flows still at 9K and water temps flirting with 50F. The tribs are still relatively clear and viz below the Dearborn, 987 … Read more

Row Jimmy Row

Row Jimmy Row

By Mark Raisler | May 20, 2014

Row Jimmy Row today on the Headhunters Blog. The art on the TShirt above is called Row Jimmy after the Dead tune. You have seen the Dead Drifter art on our TShirts last year so … Read more