Silly Saturday Scenery

Silly Saturday Scenery | Road Less Traveled Edition

By Mark Raisler | June 7, 2014

You coming to Montana? It may be the Road Less Traveled. We will welcome you. This is the road to the Blackfoot River over the other side, the wet side of the divide. We will … Read more

Missouri River Fly Fishing Map

By John Arnold | June 6, 2014

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’ve done a little tweaking to our popular Missouri River Montana Fly Fishing Map recently. Cleaned it up a little, and made some adjustments that reflect changes to access over the last few years. The … Read more

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report June 6th 2014

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report June 6th 2014

By Mark Raisler | June 6, 2014

The water levels have arrived at the dry fly level of 5240cfs. LEss than a week ago we had Holter Dam outflows of 11K+. All we can say is…terrific. Dry fly fihsing can commence  now. … Read more

Missouri River Fly Shop

GigaPan Technology

By John Arnold | June 5, 2014

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]Our good buddy Andy Watson at Bull Stock Media took this cool GigaPan image of our shop after work last week. Very cool stuff. You can zoom way in and out, pan around and … Read more

Missouri River Walleye fly fishing

Save a Trout, Kill a Walleye

By John Arnold | June 5, 2014

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]You’ve seen a lot of Walleye pic’s from us this spring. Most of them dead. Which is how they should be. If I were a religious zealot I would say that God put Walleye … Read more

Missouri RIver Ch-Ch-Changes. brought to you by David Bowie

Missouri River Ch-Ch-Changes. Brought to you by Bowie

By Mark Raisler | June 4, 2014

Check it. The Mo is going through some changes. Dry fly changes. Happy Wednesday, Hump Day, a day for changes. Should you come in June? Nah, you wouldn’t like it anyway. All those fish rising … Read more