Joe Walsh Rocky Mountain Way

Joe Walsh Rocky Mountain Way

By Mark Raisler | May 18, 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Joe Walsh Rocky Mountain Way Another installment of great Rocky Mountain music today on the Headhunters Blog. Today rocker Joe Walsh and Barnstorm with Rocky Mountain Way. John mentioned this tune yesterday as a … Read more

High Country Gems Clayton and Arnold

High Country Gems Clayton and Arnold

By Mark Raisler | May 17, 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] High Country Gems Clayton and Arnold This is a great piece. Pat Clayton, FishEye Guy Photography, of Phillipsburg Montana and John Arnold, Scumliner Media, of Craig Montana put this together a couple years ago. … Read more

May Missouri River Tips for Fly Fishing success!

May Missouri River Tips for Fly Fishing success!

By Mark Raisler | May 16, 2020

May Missouri River Tips for Fly Fishing success! Hello all out there in TroutLand! May 16th today. Generally lots of folks in town for our Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off. But not today. … Read more

Diane New Breed Chicks Rule #769

Diane New Breed Chicks Rule #769

By Mark Raisler | May 15, 2020

Diane New Breed Chicks Rule #769 Either her 3rd or 4th post from Diane today. Nice work Diane. We have come to expect nice brown trout from you one the past 10 years. Keep up … Read more

Mid May Missouri River Weekend Update

Mid May Missouri River Weekend Update

By Mark Raisler | May 14, 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Mid May Missouri River Weekend Update All good in the tiny fishing ‘burb of Craig Montana this week. Still slower traffic as many of the out of state guests cannot be in Montana without … Read more

Shop Closed Thursday Afternoon – Extended Hours This Weekend

By John Arnold | May 13, 2020

Headhunters Fly Shop will close around 2 or 3 on Thursday afternoon. We’ll be undertaking a little exterior construction project, and the front door won’t be accessible. We will be available on the phone, and … Read more