River Nomads Video

By John Arnold | September 15, 2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Pat Clayton – CEO at Fisheyeguy Photography –  and I put together another “Life Aquatic” nature video, this time featuring some of the original Montana natives… Bull Trout. Took some work and some bushwhacking but … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule #879

By Mark Raisler | September 14, 2016

New Breed Chicks Rule #879 New Breed Chicks Rule #879 with Betsy straight outta Michagan today with this nice Missouri River Rainbow. She and her husband roaming around Montana this week. Here first and then … Read more

Tuesday Missouri River Fishing Report

Tuesday Missouri River Fishing Report

By Mark Raisler | September 13, 2016

Tuesday Missouri River Fishing Report The river is active out there as we are headlong into this popular September month. Nymphers love to visit in September as the fish get off of the August slow … Read more

5 Tips for early fall Missouri River Fly Fishing

5 Tips for early fall Missouri River Fly Fishing

By Mark Raisler | September 12, 2016

5 Tips for early fall Missouri River Fly Fishing A few reminders, tips and techniques to get you off the ground this fall. The Missouri River can hand your ass back to you this month. … Read more

Here we go into winter like weather...

Here we go into winter like weather…

By Mark Raisler | September 11, 2016

Cooler weather today and tomorrow. Check out the forecast if you are heading up or out here for a fishing spell. Bring warm gear. If not pick it up at your cold weather fly shop … Read more

Best Goalie Hockey Fight Ever!

By Mark Raisler | September 10, 2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Best Goalie Hockey Fight Ever! From 1998 Patrick Roy v. Chris Osgood. A good Saturday diversion. Cool this morning, warm this afternoon. Windy all day. Nymphing pretty good. Not many anglers on the water. … Read more