Friday Foto Near Spring Edition

Friday Foto Near Spring Edition

By Mark Raisler | March 9, 2018

Friday Foto Near Spring Edition Nearing spring but ‘ol man winter still has a seat at the table. Lots of anglers over here for the weekend nymphing, swinging, and searching for some rising midge trout. … Read more

March SPEY CASTING Madness

Spots available in March SPEY CASTING Madness Women’s Session

By Mark Raisler | March 8, 2018

Spots available in March SPEY CASTING Madness Women’s Session Still spots open for the March 24 session. This Introduction to Women’s Spey Casting is presented by Whitney Gould, Sara Roholt, and Beth Langell. An all … Read more

Top 5 Flies for Swingers

Top 5 Flies for Swingers

By Mark Raisler | March 7, 2018

Top 5 Flies for Swingers The weather if fishable. So anglers are fishing. And asking what to swing for flies out there. And we have not only the flies at your Trout Spey fly shop … Read more

Taking today off...

Taking today off…

By Mark Raisler | March 6, 2018

Taking today off… Everybody needs a day off. Even us. Today is one of those days…

The minutiae of fly fishing

The minutiae of fly fishing

By Mark Raisler | March 5, 2018

The minutiae of fly fishing The last thing I thought of while sorting tiny sz. 22 beats duns was the minutiae of fly fishing. Trying to fool a silly trout with a size 22 beats … Read more

Tying one on

Tying one on

By Mark Raisler | March 3, 2018

Tying one on Snow all weekend long. Snowed pretty hard last night. Why not, after our snowiest February in history we ay as well continue the theme for another month. Shane this last week tying … Read more