Hooked up and bent! #TBT

Hooked up and bent! #TBT

By Mark Raisler | November 12, 2020

Hooked up and bent! #TBT 2010 with good friend and SOL’s longtime White Pass WA ski area  boss Rick Reed hooked up and bent! Cold again today here on the river. Snow yesterday. Snow last … Read more

Veterans Day 2020

Veterans Day

By Mark Raisler | November 11, 2020

Veterans Day Veterans day 2020 is being celebrated to present special thanks, paying respect and love to the military men and women, who devoted their whole life for serving their homeland and they gave many … Read more

Out there swinging on the Mighty Missouri River

By Mark Raisler | November 10, 2020

Out there swinging on the Mighty Missouri River Need time to think? Try fishing with a trout spey rod. Trout with 2 hands, TROUT2H, will keep you thinking about the cast. And if that is … Read more

Monday in Central Montana

Monday in Central Montana

By Mark Raisler | November 9, 2020

Monday in Central Montana The snow storm has passed. The blizzard. It certainly was blizzard like for most fo the day yesterday. Today? Windy and not as cold. Drifting snow and blowing snow can make … Read more

FISHSKI Video today. Great Skiing Weather?

FISHSKI Video today. Great Skiing Weather?

By Mark Raisler | November 8, 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] FISHSKI Video today. Great Skiing Weather? All we got today is wind, snow, and drifts. Tomorrow? Sunshine. Digging out from the aftermath of the Blizzard. Watch this classic first. Then tie flies. Rest your … Read more

Craig Montana Blizzard?

Craig Montana Blizzard?

By Mark Raisler | November 7, 2020

Craig Montana Blizzard? Josh got a few good ones yesterday. Looks damn good out there to day. Dead calm, overcast, cool. Tomorrow Sunday? Blizzard. Shop may or may not be open. Depends on travel and … Read more