Sunday BWO Image

Sunday BWO Image

By Mark Raisler | October 14, 2018

Sunday BWO Image Sunny. Sunday. BWO’s. Hatching. Today.

Silly Saturday Scenery

Silly Saturday Scenery & Fall Services Update

By Mark Raisler | October 13, 2018

Silly Saturday Scenery A spawning tributary of the Mo Wolf Creek in the falling snow. Damn pretty. Spawning Browns out there on the river too. Don’t stomp on them. Enjoy the scenery in your neighborhood as … Read more

Friday Fall Foto

Friday Fall Foto

By Mark Raisler | October 12, 2018

Friday Fall Foto Happy Fall. The leaves will be gone from the trees today. It is blowing 20+ from the SW. And sunny. Not your perfect fall day. We have had several great ones though. … Read more

Missouri RIver Nymphing Techniques

Missouri River Nymphing Techniques | Short Leash

By Mark Raisler | October 11, 2018

Some tips on how we do the short leash today on Headhunters Fly Shop Blog. We use Palsa Tabs for the indicator on this rig. But you can get away with yarn, small Thingamabobbers, or … Read more

Mid Week Missouri River October Fishing Report

Mid Week Missouri River October Fishing Report

By Mark Raisler | October 10, 2018

Mid Week Missouri River October Fishing Report Facts today for the Mid Week Missouri River October Fishing Report. Fishing is good. Not too good during the am session. Stay up late, sleep in. Get out late. … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule Debbie Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Debbie Edition

By Mark Raisler | October 8, 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] New Breed Chicks Rule Debbie Edition Debbie and DC just finished up Headhunters 3rd Annual Advanced Fly Fishing School session 1. Debbie caught the big fish of the week on a short leash nymph … Read more