Osprey Sunset

Osprey Sunset

YEs, the Osprey have arrived. Last week sometime. I was away so I don’t know the exact date that our local fish hawks flew into town. Historically on the 30th, or 31st. I think they were a couple days late. This bitter winter held them up!

The Missouri River Osprey are here now. Spring. One of the signs. Robins are here. Saw the Bluebird migration roll through on the 9th. Historically on the 4th or 5th. This year a couple days behind schedule.

The Golden Eyes are still here. They gotta get out soon.

The Pelicans have arrived too. I don’t know what the date is that they come. Because I really don’t care. The Pelican while beautiful in flight, they poop a lot.

The geese are sitting on eggs. Some of them. The water is up. Those that find higher ground will be better off.

One of the signs of spring is sunshine. We haven’t got too much of that yet. Maybe June?


2 thoughts on “Osprey Sunset”

  1. Mark,
    Thanks for the bird arrival observations!! I want to add that I observed the arrival of tree swallows upstream of Craig on April 4. They seem to get here somewhat earlier than the violet-green swallows followed a bit later by the cliff swallows that nest under the bridges.

  2. I saw my first osprey on the Mo at Holter on Sat. March 24. Also, pelicans are back (at least to Three Forks) and the goldeneye are moving south (at least in the Upper Clark Fork Valley). See all that bailing twine in the osprey nest in your pic? Osprey killing machines, the osprey love it though. Birds!

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