Online Trout Flies!

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]We’ve been slowly working on a ‘real’ webstore over the winter, and it’s actually got a few products on it. A much nicer user experience than our previous clunker.

Some of you know we’ve been working on this because you’ve been buying stuff. This week we added a few of our favorite fly patterns as well.

There’s not many, and there won’t be. This selection represents some of our favorites, ones we talk about with customers on the phone, and the patterns most requested in over-the-phone sales.

Ninch and I will add some more soon, but it will remain a ‘best of’ list.

If you’re interested – or just want to look at some fly images – HERE’S THE LINK. You can also go to ‘SHOP’ at the top navigation bar. Let Ninch know if there are any other patterns you would like to see for sale.[/vc_column_text][us_btn align=”center” target=”_self” link=”” style=”6″ label=”BUY FLIES ONLINE!” custom_width=”200px” css=”%7B%22default%22%3A%7B%22font-size%22%3A%2218px%22%7D%7D”][/vc_column][/vc_row]