New Breed Chicks Rule Wendy Edition

Wendy holding this nice Brown Trout from the Mighty Mo.

She and her husband came down for long weekend and left the kids with the grandparents.


Good work Wendy.

They reside in the upper corner of Montana which is just  a stones throw from the Missouri. Yes, the Missouri is copse to everywhere.

Minneapolis, Seattle, San Fransisco, even New Jersey. Hop on that super sonic jet and fly on over.

We are here all 12 months. But if you like dry fly fishing, you should shoot for April thru Thanksgiving. A good time to visit.

Who knows, you gal pal could grace the hallowed pages of the Headhunters Blog!

Things are good here on the Mo. Caddis, MB’s, Baetis, Midges are all in play. An opportunity to toss the dry fly daily. That is what we are here for, known for, and love so much.

Try your headhunting skills soon. See you wandering the streets of Craig. Or the dry fly flats of the Mo…