New Breed Chicks Rule Tess Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Tess Edition

Tess and her first trout on a fly. Nice work Tess.

Great times with Tess and her family this week. Sunny, fishing, fellowship. A perfect June week.

The Dearborn coming down in flows. Fishable for sure.

The Mo hatching out PMD’s. Front end. Not rocking. Yet. You could get a couple on a dry if you wish.

Caddis? Close. Some out there.

Nymphing is sporadic. But catch rates strong enough. Deep and shallow and change bugs if yo wish. Or keep rolling in good water and you will be rewarded.

All reaches fishing well.

Give us a shout if you want to come on out. Booking well this last week as the 14 Day Quarantine has been lifted in Montana.

Enjoy the front end of summer. Yesterday felt like summer. Bring it. We love summer here in Craig Montana.

5 thoughts on “New Breed Chicks Rule Tess Edition”

  1. Hi Mark,—I don’t wanna beat a dead horse and I know this comment is not relevant to this posting but when Traver’s Trout Madness runs so deep that you consider the entire world and everything in it to be a large and elaborate backdrop for the dry fly fishing it just doesn’t matter–so where I fish now we have 8 or 9 mayflies from #8 to #20 + tricos too, so there’s a lot of Mayfly exposure–read the cut/paste below, please-and find a brave young soul (maybe that Pete guy) to try it—I never tried it—you know I don’t fish like that–Best-LT—see below…one clever time tested tactic..that part.
    Interesting question, Jeff. The spinners you saw were probably invaria. Whether the sulphur eggs appear yellow or orange or yellowish-orange depends a bit on prevailing light and might even vary a bit from stream to stream. However, I don’t think that M. vicarium females fly around with an obvious ball of eggs attached (at least I’ve never noticed this). Instead, I believe that the eggs are held inside the abdomen and expressed a few at a time as they dip to the water. The invaria females eject the whole ball, often well above the water’s surface. (This behavior can be frustrating for trout and fly fishers, especially when few of the spinners actually fall to the surface. One clever and time-tested tactic is to imitate the egg ball with some dubbing on a 22-24 hook.) The M. vicarium females would also be noticeably larger than E. invaria and would have two tails rather than three. If anyone can confirm these egg-laying observations, I would appreciate it.

    • Whoa LT! Love the info! Will think long and hard today about that. PMD’s ae coming. Today could be Day 1 of awesomeness. Heading out now with fingers crossed.

      • Great, but a couple more weeks, no? Let me know how it works and I apologize if I’m scaring the kids.

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