New Breed Chicks Rule Chelsey Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Chelsey Edition

Chelsey and Mark were over from Missoula yesterday taking advantage of the $350 Spring Special guide trip pricing.

And Chelsey clearly rules! She hooked and landed a ton of fish including a few in the large sizing.

Mark caught a few as well.

It was their first guide trip. They come over fishing the Mo a few times a year and wanted to get a better grip on how to execute on the Mo. And I think they got a few insights yesterday.

A guide can learn you up pretty quick if he or she talks you through the reasoning behind what he or she is doing and why. I have always said that if I had to do the entire process over I would have hired a guide in the first couple weeks of failure. And I experienced that failure daily back in the early 90’s.

That $350 price tag would have eliminated days of confusion and frustration. I could see the fish, I just could not catch them. It would have elevated my game immediately. At that time the Guide price was $300. No such thing as a spring special rate. We have evolved since then, I hope, and now offer this spring rate to reward our repeat customers. And for surviving winter!

And Chelsey and Mark didi just that. They will have a better grasp of the what’s up on the Missouri River next time they visit.

Chelsey rules. New Breed Chicks Rule Chelsey Edition today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog. We also love seeing husband/wife combo’s. We stock women’s gear at the shop and have a couple women on staff. Sara. Julie. Beth, and Whitney help us keep it real here in downtown Craig Montana.

Thanks again Chelsey and Mark! Let us know how we can help in the future.