New Breed Chicks Rule April Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule April Edition

Mark fished with Francine and Casey yesterday in the canyon.

We fought all day long, at a leisurely pace. A perfect day. The sun came out a few times, and the wind only blew 25+ for a few hours.

Francine and Casey fish a lot. They have several boats all built by them. Yes, cool wooden boats, hand-bulit. Awesome.

But yesterday they fished the Spring Special @ Headhunters in Craig Montana. Fun times.

Francine did catch several larger fish, for the record. But this release shot of this up and coming rainbow is precious. We were fishing upstream in a tailout. Freestone style.

The water level provides lots of opportunities that we do not get in normal water levels. 9K makes you think about trout and habitat, and new techniques that we do not generally employ here on this dam controlled resource.

For the weekend, remember to fish slow and deep. The streamer bite is decent in the lower reaches. The nymph bite on the upper and mid sections is variable. The dry fly bite is not too great. Cheap lodging, discounted guide trips, lots of spring fresh retail gear at Headhunters, free coffee, shuttles, fishing licenses, and much more awaits you in Craig Montana.

Be sure to swing in and say hello. We’d love to hear your story man.

And Francine…keep rocking sister. Loved fishing with you and Casey.

1 thought on “New Breed Chicks Rule April Edition”

  1. even the chicks are keepin em wet. love the direction the fish pics are going on yer blog. setting a great example ! no more hero shots ?

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