New Breed Chicks Rule #879

New Breed Chicks Rule #879

New Breed Chicks Rule #879 with Betsy straight outta Michagan today with this nice Missouri River Rainbow.

She and her husband roaming around Montana this week. Here first and then off to Boz-Angeles fro more fishing fun.

Not their first trip to the Mo, and not their last. Like so many others they have fished with outher outfits but now they have settled on the gang at Headhunters. You too could be a convert. Try it, you might like it.

The reason they like Headhunters of Craig? Customer service. They said we treated them upon entering the store like family. We are kind of like a family. Next time in Craig introduce yourself. We’d live to add you to our extended family!

Thanks Betsy and Charlie. We had a ball fishing with you.

See you on the flip side and enjoy your week in Montana!