New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule with 3 Generations

3 generations of gals here on the Mo this winter.

Andy, Danielle, and Hannah fished in the damn cold weather a couple days after Thanksgiving. An afternoon fish session with boat heaters, hand warmers, warm hats, and hot soup. And a few fish to hand. Just awesome.

Snowing hard again today here on the river. The roads and boat ramps are dicey. Not great travel conditions. But hardy Montanans are used to hardships. We certainly live here for the river and take the added discomforts in stride.

Planning on coming out this weekend? We believe any temps aver 25F are not too uncomfortable for fishing. Below that temperature you can certainly be on the cool side. Ice in your guides is a problem.

New Breed Chicks Rule with 3 Generations

A couple inches have already fallen this morning. Really feels like more will fall today. Quiet on the river today. Really calm too. No wind to fouls things up. At least here in Craig.

Be sure to read the excellent 2015-16  Spey Rod Lineup & review yesterday on this very blog. And remember that we have all kinds of demo rods at the shop and ready to fish anytime. Even in the snow.

I love fishing in the snow. It is so quiet. Just you, the spey cast, the silent sound of falling snow, and an occasional tug!